This is the 6th post in this ongoing series aimed at helping humans break free from the covert and open enslavement systems that exist on Earth. Today I am covering what is possibly one of the oldest and best well known forms of spiritual enslavement - Religion.
Blasphemy! Off with his head! "Well, not today my friend - not today."
If you haven't already read the previous parts in this series, I suggest you do so now because there is much ground and context to cover before being able to appreciate this post in it's full depth - The links for the earlier posts are at the end of this one.
Despite the wealth of evidence that some of the largest world religions are criminal organisations that should, by law, be forced to close permanently - the majority of the 'followers' of these groups continue to deny reality and do absolutely nothing to improve their situation. This is only possible because the ones involved are typically spiritually imbalanced and disempowered after years of mind control and spiritual abuse handed out to them by the operators of their 'churches'/'temples'. In many cases those involved have been DELIBERATELY TRAPPED by the use of GUILT as a weapon of control and they cannot be free and think freely again until that guilt is cleared from their energy fields. In this post I intend to demonstrate some of the evidence that corroborates the claims I have just made in such a way that only the most heartless and unconscious individuals will continue to deny the situation. In fact, it is not an exaggeration to say that many of these groups are nothing more than death cults run by criminal minded evil-doers who do everything possible to appear to be 'doing God's work' or other such bogus PR claims. First though, let's get something clear:
God does NOT need money, worship or pyramid power structures
God as an omnipotent creative being that designed and produced an entire universe, does NOT need you to give money to anyone who claims to be 'acting in his name'. By any sane definition, a God that is in the 'business' of creating universes both has no need for money and also has no need for humans to be given money in order for them to do what God needs. This should be obvious, but the extent of the mind control on Earth is so massive that many people simply never stop to question the situation in enough depth and assume that their money is going to somehow help humanity when they give it to church operators - who so often then use it to buy lavish lifestyles.
Check out this humorous look, if you like, into how easy it is to set up a 'church' in America today, achieve tax exempt status and then carry out confidence tricks to make yourself rich - before we move on to the real details here:
The Mechanics of Guilt, Fear & Denial
I intend to look in more detail at specific church groups, but first I need to explain something about the Emotional control that many groups are using to covertly control their members.
Guilt is a form of fear that prevents emotional expression - it is the fear that you will be told again that you are not good enough for wanting to be and do as you are. Guilt has an effect on our emotional body that results in our real emotions not being allowed to vibrate and express and since we are emotional beings, first and foremost, this can be extremely debilitating. The more our emotions are controlled, the less life force we can embody and the more we lose power and ability as an individual. Therefore, it can be understood that guilt is essentially a kind of death creating program.
Guilt is caused by blame - when we blame we may cause guilt. Blame says that we are not good enough and comes with judgements that are not the truth, but which are thought to be the truth. When we accept blame into us or even if we blame ourselves internally, we are literally abusing ourselves and being abused in subtle ways whose effects may not be felt fully immediately, but which over time will build up to cause us serious problems.
Since guilt can be created simply through blame and since guilt is a form of fear - it follows that it can be used to control people if those people agree to it's demands and agree that really, truly they are not good enough. If the one doing the blaming (a priest, for example) claims to be speaking for God on Earth and if the followers believe that claim, then that priest has effectively gained total spiritual control of those 'followers' who no longer have the emotional strength and focus to stand up for themselves and find their own way back to balance. This is nothing at all to do with love and very little to do with any real God. We can FEEL when love is present or not and my strong suggestion is to place the learning of tuning in to your intuitive guidance as being the number one priority in your own spiritual evolution - since it is this voice within us that provides direct input from the divine feminine aspect in life and it never fails to tell the truth and to protect us when allowed to do so.
It is through this 'blame game' and by the introduction of the 'middle man' of the priest into the thought process of the individuals involved that the foundations of massive mind control system have been laid for millennia.
Destroying the Divine Feminine
It is no accident that 'God' is usually portrayed to be masculine only and that all the most significant religious characters are masculine. It is also no accident that the more feminine aspects of humanity and life in general have been squashed and distorted by religious THINKERS over the ages. This is because when we are successfully embodying a balance of divine masculine and divine feminine (whether our body is male or female makes no difference), we are powerful and cannot be controlled. By using shame and guilt as weapons, the masculine dominant entities have successfully managed to cripple the feminine in most of us and our ancestors, leaving the way clear for their artificial power hierarchies to be built, which place them at the top of the human pyramid and most of everyone else at the bottom.
Just look around you and you will see the evidence of this almost everywhere in 'modern' society... Naked and semi-naked women are used to advertise products that are of little actual value to us, yet mothers breast feeding in public is considered 'bad taste'! It is only relatively recently that women have been afforded equal rights in a legal sense in many places and in many more places they continue to be second class citizens in every sense. When you realise that many people think emotions are essentially worthless and intuition is of no use and somehow think that the more masculine mental faculties alone are sufficient to succeed in life, it becomes apparent just why we have so many serious problems on earth with a lack of empathic connection with each other and a general overall heartlessness.
I now intend to demonstrate some of the countless examples of real and serious heartlessness perpetrated by church operatives at all levels of their hierarchies. If it were not for a thick wall of guilt in their 'followers' protecting their actions from being held to account, I am sure that many of them would already have been shut down and possibly met grizzly ends - it is no wonder that 'the pope' appears in public behind bullet proof glass.
The Catholic Church
One of the most blatant of the reversed, 'anti life' and 'pro death-dealing-guilt' cults on Earth is probably the Catholic church. Their propensity to control people using guilt and even full-on violence is well known and has been well documented to span hundreds of years across numerous continents. This is such a vast subject that I can only touch on some key points here to demonstrate the main message of my post. Here are some videos and links to consider:
Catholic Church acquits priest who deliberately raped and infected young girls with HIV
Child abuse and rape are epidemic within Catholic Church groups
"On May 23, 2014 the current Archbishop of St. Louis Robert Carlson gave sworn testimony under oath as part of a civil lawsuit involving a man, Doe 1, sexually abused as a child by former priest Thomas Adamson at St. Thomas Aquinas parish in St. Paul Park, Minnesota. Archbishop Carlson worked in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis handling child sexual abuse cases from 1979-1994 as the Chancellor and Auxiliary Bishop. Then-Bishop Carlson met with Thomas Adamson in 1980 about another incident of alleged child sexual abuse and Adamson admitted to sexually abusing the boy yet no report was made to law enforcement. Archbishop Carlson was questioned extensively on his knowledge and involvement in child sexual abuse cases in Minnesota and gave the response of "I don't remember" 193 different times during the 2014 deposition."
The history of this goes a long way
Just one of many examples of the Catholic church literally raping, murdering and torturing children around the globe on a large scale, can be found in the relatively recent exposure of their involvement with the 'formation of Canada'. When the land we now call 'Canada' was being 'settled' by European 'visitors', there was the small problem of the fact that the land was already inhabited by tribes who had been there a long time. Rather than greet these people as friendly emissaries from God, the visitors instead did everything possible to destroy the tribes people, including abducting their children at gun point and forcing them into 'schools' where they were often beaten, deliberately made ill and even just exterminated. This was covered at length in the Documentary 'Unrepentant' made by an ex priest 'Kevin Annett'. He has since gone on a one man crusade to try to stop the Catholic Church from continuing to harm children today in a similar way, but sadly it appears that for some reason best known to him, he decided to hold court cases to prosecute the church - but whereby he was the only one involved in the proceedings. This has led to him being ridiculed and rejected by many onlookers. Regardless of that unfortunate episode, I still find his original documentary 'Unrepentant' to be moving and to represent somewhat accurately the overall story.
Whatever the full truth may be, the Canadian government was forced to issue an apology to the tribes people who had been so evily tormented for so long:
Why is the Vatican building structures that are shaped like a snake's head?
There is so much more to be said about the Catholic church that this post would take 1000s of pages - however, I will just leave you with this video that demonstrates that one of the more recent large structures in the Catholic Vatican is clearly designed to look like a snake's head and it contains a twisted looking 'post nuclear' statue that is allegedly 'jesus' rising up with half of his face missing. Does this really have anything at all to do with an omnipotent God that cares and that wants to help?
Like Catholicism, there is way more relevant information to cover about Judaism than I can possibly type out here now. It is well understood that the state of Israel was founded in the last Century as a home for the often persecuted Jewish people and it is known that the nation has often evilly abused the inhabitants of the lands there - Acting out as perpetrator in a tragic role reversal performance where they 'finally' stop experiencing being victims. What is perhaps not so well known though is that the orthodox Jews refer to their holy book, the Torah and state clearly that it is totally 100% against their own scriptures for the Jews to have a nation state until their 'messiah' comes to Earth. The Orthodox Jews have therefore been seen to burn Israeli flags and constantly demonstrate their rejection of the fact that Israel exists.
It is against this highly charged and dysfunctional backdrop that we examine the following evidence regarding the Churches use as a power structure for the personal gratification of those involved, which has nothing to do - once again - with love or any real divine element/connection.
In this Vice news report a Jewish Rabbi recounts how it is commonplace for boys to be taken into steam baths with Rabbis and for the Rabbi to anally rape them as part of some kind of emotional/spiritual ritual: The Child-Rape Assembly Line.
In this episode of a US television chat show, a woman describes how she was raised in a Jewish family who regularly performed child sacrifices and who forced their female members to give birth to children in secret which would then be murdered in secret rituals:
I think we can agree that this religious situation, much like the Catholic one, is pretty far away from what is possible when humans are truly divinely guided.
As with the previous examples, the various forms of Islam on earth have all been known to act out heartlessness against women, children, animals and on and on. There are so many well documented examples of heartlessness from Islamic culture that I feel I don't even need to provide any - the issues range from massive control of women's free will, violence against men, women and children for the breaking of highly controlling and unloving religious rules.. Even including execution of those who attempt to leave the religion!
It is true that of the millions of followers of Islam obviously do not agree with each other in significant ways - as demonstrated by the many battles they have fought against each other. Just like with every religion, the followers range from more balanced right the way through to being very imbalanced - and so it is not fair or wise to describe all those who claim to be Muslims as being all the same. With that in mind, I will just share this single video demonstrating what is possibly the most obvious evidence of a world religion being aligned as a death cult, that I have seen in video form. Heartlessness will drive us away from life and towards death in every way that it can:
But these religions must have some good in them right?
All successful propaganda contains 80-90% truth - since without that truth to distract us, the deceivers would not be able to get their 10-20% lies past our truth filters. So it is certainly possible to find helpful and useful wisdom in religious teachings from most sources, yet there is not sufficient truth contained in those 'good' parts to cause spiritual seekers to wake up and realise that their beloved 'teachers' are part of a criminal group who do more damage to humanity than they do good.
What then, is the 'correct' alternative to religions?
All religions generally have hierarchies, they therefore channel control of the will of the people involved towards the control of a small group of people (usually males). The claim is that somehow this is how we connect to God, but in reality we are simply being controlled by humans. This is Mind control. The alternative to this masculine/mental domination and enslavement system is to directly connect to the real source of creation. The real 'God' is within reach of all of us constantly and has no need of any churches or 'holy books'. The essence that has manifested as the Earth and as the Humans has the same origin as everything else and, in truth, everything IS ONE. That means that we are one with God - whatever we may individually experience God to be, we are united with 'that' inherently. Some groups have realised this (including some of the many tribes as well as some enlightenment religions in Asia) and have sought to work with this for the betterment of humanity - they generally promote peace and move to solve problems rather than causing new problems - although even they are not beyond falling for the spiritual traps that plague the less balanced and evolved groups. Our pure essence is very innocent, meaning uncorrupted by lies and denial and so - it is both powerful and yet has the capacity to take in messages and believe them without having had the necessary experiences to know if the messages are true or not. While it is true that God Essence has the capacity to know everything, it is also true that everything that is known must be learned along the way.
When it is understood that our own human energy system is meant to be totally integrated with the spiritual light of what some have called 'God' - we can come to understand more of why the translation of the word 'Yoga' is 'Union' and why the well known 'Chakra' system from Eastern Religions can easily be found to be reflected in some of the older (and mis-interpreted) language of the Christian bible. The 'Chakras' are our own portals within us that connect us back into our divine source - they channel non-physical 'us'/'energy' into the physical forms we call 'human'. As long as we remain ignorant of these fundamental aspects of who we are, we will remain in the dark of our innately divine nature and our own birthright on Earth - which is a powerful, peaceful and blissful state of co-creation. When we are internally aligned through self acceptance, the release of all judgements and the ending of guilt/denial/blame patterns, we become very wise and compassionate - which is who we really are! It is abundantly obvious to anyone who puts serious time into working with Yoga and learning the ancient teachings that the famous characters from religions, such as 'Jesus' and 'Buddha' were very much working with similar understandings relating to the heart and other chakras/organs.
Here's a simple and friendly introduction to Chakras taken from the cartoon series 'The last airbender':
My suggestion is to reject all organised religions and actually to also reject anything that uses artificial power hierarchies, since these are all forms of imbalance which takes us away from full liberation, joy, peace and abundance. There is no need at all for us to be placed in some kind of hierarchy of control and alleged 'importance' - we are all equal in terms of our validity as individual beings and our will cannot be empowered by taking commands from 'on high'.
Truly the meek SHALL inherit the Earth.
The 'meek' do not overpower others, so they do not create conflict or war or the imbalance that comes with it. Survival, contrary to popular opinion, is not acquired by being able to fight the longest or be 'the fittest' in other such ways. In truth, 'the fittest' are those who are the most compassionate and thus who are the most balanced and loving. It is ONLY compassion and real love that will provide us with the means we need to survive on earth and sustain LIFE! If you are involved with causing death in any way at all, such as by eating dead animals or using make-up that is tested on animals, for example - you need to real-eyes quickly that you are going against life itself and thus have twisted your own nature back onto itself in a heartless way. You are going to need to untwist your internal energetic knots and find your real balance and alignment - there is no other way for you to survive on Earth at all now. When you do this you will finally feel GOOD and happy, you will have a clear heart and conscious and you will be ready to continue on in life knowing you are the best version of yourself and are guilt free. You cannot be guilt free as long as you are involved with thinking, actions and groups who use blame and control in any way whatsoever.
This is a FREE WILL planet!
How about we learn now how to respect free will instead of using every underhand trick we can find to subvert, deny and overpower each other's will and our own!?
This post is part of a series - Check out the earlier posts here:
- Introduction and a common formula for our enslavement
- Non physically branded as a slave by advertising
- The Mind Control used by shops is FAR more evil than most have yet understood.
- Permissions slips - We are co-creating STEEMIT to give us permission to break out of society's traps.
- Empirical scientific evidence: 'MOST DEBT IS VOID' And can be cancelled since the financial systems are criminal.
- Religions are Often Death Obsessed, Evil 'Thought Prisons' That Abuse Innocents & Limit Human Evolution.
Wishing you well, Ura
One of the best posts I have read so far. I could not agree more. As you say religion is a way of controlling the masses. If that dies out which it slowly is; they will use football. I believe one of the aims of religion is a way of pitting people against each other. If we are not all equal and together we can not over come the oppressors. I will not go into it as you have covered mostly what I would say.
I have read many religious texts where many preach love and togetherness with I completely agree with; they then contradict themselves constantly. I went to church when I was a child (Until about 10/11 when I refused too); it never made sense to me why this rituals were going on. Nowadays I am spiritual: my church is nature and whats around me, my guide and rules are my intuition and feelings, my god the common consciousness of humanity and mother gia!
Religion is controlling the masses so they don't question the horrible things that are going on behind the scenes. I mean the Money church's in your video I can not believe this is allowed its mind boggling. But people are brainwashed and as the church have power its never questioned. I mean you only need to look at the Vatican an the way they dress themselves in gold to see where all the money goes. I could rant on for hours about this so I'll stop there, brilliant post!
Lastly the reptile thing always a bit far out for me, but my god (no pun intended) the serpent thing is no coincidence. Too much for the brain though and I think the important thing it to all come together wake the masses and then look at whats reality an what is not :)
Thanks for your thoughtful response here. There is so much more to say on this subject, I could easily span several books with it all - I just aim to find power packed short messages that stand a chance of helping some of us maybe open a bit more to the truly loving light that we are all entitled fully to be receiving, holding and using with every breath!
I would not be even remotely focused onto the 'reptilian' topic if it weren't that I had direct experience of their presence on Earth before it was even a well known topic in the mass consciousness.
Indeed it's a topic with some many angles and view points. All the same I love a good debate on it unfortunately some of those deeply in religion get very offended when you question them. Understandably really but it kinda stops a intelligent debate!
Wow you have to write a post on you experience, I'm all ears. I always said seeing is believing until that i'm open to extreme possibilities.
I have already written an unpublished, pretty epic book that includes that part of my life in it - but I don't know when it will be finished.. Maybe in the next year, I am not sure at all.
The problem is that there's so much background information needed before what I am sharing can be understood in it's proper context and the implications are so vast that I need at least 1000 pages to do it justice. I have already written more than 1000 pages, but I also need to find ways to condense it too :/
Sounds good awaiting its release. I'm ready for a deep read :)
Great Post - Resteeming :)
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KEEP STEEM'N @ura-soul
God is the only road to the truth, religions are the toll on the road.
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