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RE: #6: Religions are Often Death Obsessed, Evil 'Thought Prisons' That Abuse Innocents & Limit Human Evolution. | SLAVE NO MORE! (series) Tips for liberation of the Earth / Heart

in #freedom8 years ago

One of the best posts I have read so far. I could not agree more. As you say religion is a way of controlling the masses. If that dies out which it slowly is; they will use football. I believe one of the aims of religion is a way of pitting people against each other. If we are not all equal and together we can not over come the oppressors. I will not go into it as you have covered mostly what I would say.

I have read many religious texts where many preach love and togetherness with I completely agree with; they then contradict themselves constantly. I went to church when I was a child (Until about 10/11 when I refused too); it never made sense to me why this rituals were going on. Nowadays I am spiritual: my church is nature and whats around me, my guide and rules are my intuition and feelings, my god the common consciousness of humanity and mother gia!

Religion is controlling the masses so they don't question the horrible things that are going on behind the scenes. I mean the Money church's in your video I can not believe this is allowed its mind boggling. But people are brainwashed and as the church have power its never questioned. I mean you only need to look at the Vatican an the way they dress themselves in gold to see where all the money goes. I could rant on for hours about this so I'll stop there, brilliant post!

Lastly the reptile thing always a bit far out for me, but my god (no pun intended) the serpent thing is no coincidence. Too much for the brain though and I think the important thing it to all come together wake the masses and then look at whats reality an what is not :)


Thanks for your thoughtful response here. There is so much more to say on this subject, I could easily span several books with it all - I just aim to find power packed short messages that stand a chance of helping some of us maybe open a bit more to the truly loving light that we are all entitled fully to be receiving, holding and using with every breath!
I would not be even remotely focused onto the 'reptilian' topic if it weren't that I had direct experience of their presence on Earth before it was even a well known topic in the mass consciousness.

Indeed it's a topic with some many angles and view points. All the same I love a good debate on it unfortunately some of those deeply in religion get very offended when you question them. Understandably really but it kinda stops a intelligent debate!

Wow you have to write a post on you experience, I'm all ears. I always said seeing is believing until that i'm open to extreme possibilities.

I have already written an unpublished, pretty epic book that includes that part of my life in it - but I don't know when it will be finished.. Maybe in the next year, I am not sure at all.
The problem is that there's so much background information needed before what I am sharing can be understood in it's proper context and the implications are so vast that I need at least 1000 pages to do it justice. I have already written more than 1000 pages, but I also need to find ways to condense it too :/

Sounds good awaiting its release. I'm ready for a deep read :)