Hopeful Evil Dictator of the Entire Universe, Klaus Schwab
There is a global network of networks conspiring together to conquer the world. Many of these networks are corporations, such as Serko, Goldman Sachs, and Pfizer, but these corporations are also interlocked through various NGOs and other institutions, such as GAVI, the WEF, and the Vatican, and creating an overarching jurisdiction for global governance is the UN.
Intertwined with these private companies and NGOs are national and regional governments, the countries of the world and the regional intergovernmental associations they are also part of, like the EU, the OAS, ASEAN, APEC, NATO, the Trilateral Commission, and Bilderberg, and then unofficial yet actual alignments of interests, such as the BRICS, FAGMAN, and so on. Together, it is the ultimate global expression of Fascism, of a world wide public private partnership, what Mussolini called Authoritarian Corporatism.
Today this will be implemented by algorithm using individual social credit score data, Central Bank Digital Currency that can permit or deny every transaction, and, of course, will only be available to folks that have the vaxpass, or whatever they call the mark of the beast in your jurisdiction.
Since the fall of the Berlin Wall, Klaus Schwab and the WEF have laced this web of networks together with corporate training seminars called the Global Leaders for Tomorrow (now Young Global Leaders), comprising applicants taking meetings with each other at workshops a couple weeks long from time to time, in environments like Harvard Business School. Angela Merkel, Emmanual Macron, Jacinda Ardern, Pete Buttigieg, Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Jeff Bezos, Gavin Newsom, and ~1300 other individuals have been introduced and trained together to conquer the Earth.
Recently another branch of this cohort has been created called the Global Shapers Community, so far comprising ~10,000 people under 30 from around the world pursuing degrees at prestigious universities in the West, where they can become a global elite united in purpose and wielding power in each their own jurisdiction in due time.
On the surface this does not appear to be anything illegal, nor more sinister than an ambitious business plan with potential to overwhelm any competitors with lesser coordination. However even the most cursory consideration of the last two years of terrorist propaganda, global tyranny, and economic havoc executed in lockstep through the overwhelming majority of national jurisdictions belies an undeniably criminal, almost certainly genocidal, purpose.
The traumatized victims of the theaterrorism that has proclaimed SARS-CoV-2 to be a deadly pathogen have been utterly cowed into submission, and the glaringly obvious beginnings of genocidal pogroms are well underway, with demonization campaigns being undertaken to dehumanize people that have been able to withstand the psychological assault, the first internments in camps in Australia of those who resist, and the construction of similar facilities around the world, in Canada, the USA, Europe, and China (where the hapless Uighurs have long been used to train the internment system for a broader variety of internees).
here video in which he points out that he is unable to transact for many items without the pass now, and I will add that the things he is allowed can just as easily be prevented as well. New Zealand civilians no longer have any rights. They are allowed privileges at the sole option of Jacinda Ardern, the Prime Minister of New Zealand and a minion of Klaus Schwab, one of the Young Global Leaders.Ed, @theouterlight, has just posted
The Rair Foundation has published research of Ernst Wolff into this ongoing criminal conspiracy, and Reiner Fuellmich and staff interview him in three videos you can see here. While the interviews are conducted in German, the translation and subtitles are excellent. The article and interviews detail the enormous progress the Antichrist and minions have made since 1990 towards the goal of complete and total domination of the world and everyone in it.
Despite the progress I have made this year in making preparations for this (I have long known it was coming, if not in specific detail Mr. Wolff has provided) I am shaken and feel woefully unprepared. I am convinced I need to accelerate the acquisition of means of production rapidly and increase my production capacity by another order of magnitude by year’s end. Everyone that intends to not accept the mark and subject themselves to the AI-ntichrist algorithm will have to provide themselves the goods and services they will not be allowed to purchase without it, and had better be in a trusted community of folks that can help each other when problems arise.
Food Forest Abundance that can plan a food forest, or indoor farm here. If you're not already growing your own food, now's the time to start. It's never been easier, nor more necessary.@dbroze has just posted today an interview with Jim Gale of
I am not exaggerating. I cannot urge you strongly enough to read this article by Michael Lord and carefully watch these videos, understand their full implications, and act on a plan to secure your economy, polity, and security of yourself and a trusted local community with all due dispatch. While Mr. Fuellmich is doing God’s work pursuing legal remedies that just legal systems must provide, my experience with courts and corporations has left me with scant confidence in that venue, or of succor from that vector. I am grateful for his discovery, which is akin to the shout of fire in a burning theater for us all. By his diligent efforts we are forewarned and forearmed.
Even if you do have some confidence in courts, given the extremity of our exigency it behooves you to prepare layered defenses against the multivariate vectors of attack we are being subjected to. Even a total victory in court will have but limited extent, and myriad attack vectors will remain, actively proceeding to strip us of sovereignty and property, and cryptically able to reconstitute any critical components of the scheme to render humanity a race of GMO slaves to oligarchs with absolute totalitarian power over their property: us and every other thing in the universe.
That is the most chilling aspect of this conspiracy, it’s totality of ambition. It is literally intent on ownership of the entire universe, including we ourselves, and not just a market for a product, or some region, or even the whole Earth. If the forces of the Antichrist succeed, the very stars of heaven will be their property, as will the human race, and our posterity after us, forever.
Watch the videos, and if you can prove me wrong, I will weep with gratitude.
I have today learned my beloved friend, who has been hospitalized for ~6 months after his second jab, has died. I cannot convey the depth of my sorrow and loss.
An excess of grief and anger is a sword in my heart, and I intend to wield it against our enemies with all my strength.
Our enemies consider life to be mere property they can dispose of or do with as they please. We are all one living thing, immortal, sacred, and inviolable, and we alone stand in it’s defense against evil itself. A day may come when we fall, when our strength is not enough to secure the sacred against the evil come to profane it.
But this is not that day, and today I will not fall before that evil.
Today I stand fast and firm in the service of God, humanity, and life itself, and I would have you by my side. Stand with me against this last enemy of life so that together we can prevail, and deliver joy and prosperity to our sons and daughters, across the full breadth of the heavens, forever.
Let this be the last war, and we the victors.
Dear @valued-customer, Is your friend Tom dead? I express my condolences to his death.
I understood that Klaus Schwab and his students were the overloads of the world.😦
According to @joeyarnoldvn, they had a plan to cut the world's population in half.
In the world I live in, if subjugated the class criticizes and swears at the ruling class, they are subject to criminal punishment for defamation, insult, and dissemination of false information.
Governments, corporations, and courts all became servants of the Overlord.
Currently, I am a lonely criminal!
My friend Tom did die last year. I appreciate your kind words. Another friend very dear to me, a man that saved my life some years ago, has died. I know you also offer your condolences over his passing, and I am grateful for that kindness.
You are surely not alone, my friend. Consider your feelings and the likelihood that many, many others also share them. The laws that have victimized you have victimized others. You are lonely because you have not sought friends and allies from amongst your peers. Clearly you are right to not do so incautiously. You are in great danger, and must be extremely careful to guard your life and freedom.
But you must not allow yourself to face your enemies alone. You will not be able to guard your own back alone. Also, your allies need your help to guard their backs. When trouble comes, and sooner or later it comes, men with friends and allies have a much better chance of coming through it safe and well than them alone. In the Bosnian war it was said by survivors that no matter how well prepared, men who tried to make it alone did not. I was told that the single most relevant factor affecting survival was having a large family that could stand watches and sleep in shifts, designate tasks to those better at them, and fire more bullets downrange when attacked.
As carefully as you must, you need to find people like yourself, that themselves need allies and friends, and ally and befriend them, for your safety.
Great and accurate article. And I'm very sorry for your loss🙏 One of my cousins died three months after his juice jab, and his family's lining up for the booster😢 My mother passed away four months ago. She had a leaky heart and with the graphene oxide in the 2019 flu jab (which almost killed her three months later) combined with mask wearing which depraved her heart the oxygen needed, her heart just got weaker😭 She told me she didn't get it, but unconcious in the hospital it wouldn't surprise me if they'd forced it on her🤬 I just wanna blow them up to smitherines👿 I do pray that we prevail and knock these bastards to their knees! And as we say in France, "les aristocrates à la lanterne, les aristocrates on les pendra", even if I'd like to bring back la guillotine😅
All we are and can be has purpose, yet we are not able to stand between another and their decisions, as I have learned to my great sorrow. We will not prevail without sorrow, without grieving our losses, but because of our broken hearts and the indomitable will to live and prevail over the derangement seeking to devour our reason that comes of it.
None more than the French have known such sorrow. I have walked in the catacombs beneath Paris and seen the mountains of dead that support the city, their bones arrayed in parquets, in rows and pyramids of grief in ages past. Humanity is built on the bones of our brothers, mothers, loves and lives.
The inhuman and inhumane electromechanical means of our subjugation do not grieve, do not love, and cannot live to surmount mere algorithms to the sacred hearts of our people. The corporate Antichrist seeks to subjugate us to machines and mere undeath.
We must live on, live for our fallen beloved friends and family, that when we ourselves fall, our place on the walls and battlements of the Bastille is filled by our neighbors, our fraternity, and our posterity. Humanity is part of one living sacred life extending back to that primordial cell through an unbroken chain of dividing living cells that today culminates in all of us. It is anathema to subjugate the sacred to the profane, and our spirits will not submit.
Vive la France! My yellow vest hangs on a peg by my door, ready for me to don at a moments notice. Though I know my days are numbered, and not long will I remain to enjoy our continuing victory over our enemies, I will pass from this Earth a free man, and that sacred life I have embodied will not die with me, but has been passed on to my sons. So we all endure immortal together though we die alone, unremarked, and unknown.
My deepest condolences on your personal grief. Know that you carry on that sacred spark of life that we all share, that your spirit can be borne on it into any unforeseen adversity, buoyed by that immortal divinity we express with every beat of our heart, with every breath, and carry forward into every fray with every step.
First, very sorry about your friend. My condolences. It is always sad to lose someone you knew. I have lost friends and family myself over my life, and the hurt stays with you.
About the rest of the post, great breakdown on what is happening - and the immense nature of it. It is a fight on all fronts - every direction. Of the mind, of the spirit, and of the flesh - body, mind, spirit. And it will go on and on. like you said - they want to own everything. Even our minds are just capital to them - our souls, everything.
about that ref to me, like you said - you can't go anywhere in new zealand - I know I sound like I am repeating myself - but I can understand how "blind" people are to what is going on. I really cant. At least here in new zealand. And it is not just the mono narrative - the fact is, that I have meet people in real life, who say "well, it is not that bad, you are blowing it out of proportion" - its like people just don't care. They would rather sleep. As long as the frog cooks slow, so to speak - and now look where the world is.
To me, the fact that people just think everything is normal, is insane. But there it is.
it is really a grand conspiracy years in the making like you said, NGOs, everyone - and everyone now who was not aware of this to begin with - is really having to play catch up - never have I felt so unsure about the future than now.
I am grateful for you kindness and condolences.
I know you are in a difficult situation, and I wish I could offer more than hope. But one thing I continually note is the complete confidence that we will not lose humanity to this conspiracy. Not only do all the activists and reporters I read have this confidence, I am also struck by the fact that prophesy thousands of years ago well describes what is now being done and also predicts our victory over evil.
We're not going to win sitting on our hands, or hoping they just go away. It's not going to be easy.
But we are going to be free after we do win.
I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. I have a lot of family that are on their third vaccination despite repeated warnings I gave them in an effort to get them not to walk into that bear trap. I don't expect it will end well. For whatever reason, the propaganda works better on some than others.
It is heartbreaking. I feel like I am surrounded by people who have given terminal diagnoses and I am waiting for them to die. A current client has just had her third jab and is suddenly suffering heart problems that are preventing them from remediating a prior problem surgically, because now they are unlikely to survive the anesthesia necessary.
All we can do is be rational, stay abreast of current information, and act to benefit ourselves and our communities, including our loved ones, through the recently decentralized means of production now available to us to create personally the blessings of civilization and avail our peoples of those blessings outside of centrally controlled industry.
While I live, this is what I will do to the limit of my abilities.
I hear you, valued customer. I am to the point where I'm actively looking into ways to reverse the demoralization, mass formation, and mass psychosis this whole pandemic is inducing. And when you add to that, the fact that friends and family are walking headlong into their demise makes it almost unbearable. The latter part of your comment is superb advice and the most productive areas to aim our focus. Staying tough and practical is about all one can do. Hold on and be strong!