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RE: Pretty little box - Freewrite

in #freewrite5 years ago

I don’t understand your anti box rhetoric. Boxes have provided utility for eons.

It took me 40 years to figure this out: judgements from others are more reflective of the other. My judgements on others are more reflective of me. Hurts like hell to figure that out. Turns out to be remarkably useful in life afterwards.

Have you considered a rhombus shaped enclosure?


Boxes are so useful, I just don’t fit in one very well... rhombus or not. 🙃

I think criticism and others judgements can be enlightening and even help one work on their own character, to become the best version of themselves they can be.

I just think there is a difference in pointing out things that are maybe weaknesses or “observations” and then saying things that have no reason, other than to bring the other down.. and make them more easily controlled. It’s a manipulation tactic and unfortunately I know it well. I’ve just learned to recognize it now and then I can properly respond.

Each day is a lesson and learning from them is important. 🙂

"My judgements on others are more reflective of me."

Agreed 100%.