Such a wonderful and heartfelt recollection. I can't believe you could write something so skillfully descriptive and in such a short time.
Your feelings took me back to a few years ago when I didn't quite know why but I went back to the street and whole area of my childhood to find that the old federation house with stained glass windows with beautiful gardens, that I had lived in all my childhood and teens, was gone and replaced by a concrete mausoleum style of house.
One peppercorn tree on the nature-strip had survived or rather had shot from the original that used to grow by the side of the house. Which was the one thing that warmed my heart. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎
;-)What can I say, I'm naturally verbose. ;-)
But I so feel you.
The reality, unfortunately, is that when my childhood best friend and I actually revisited our childhood homes, I didn't recognize a single tree or plant that was there in my youth.
The lush jungle that my mother planted and nurtured was gone. The new owners had cut down everything, covered it all in concrete, and even covered the gorgeous oak hardwood floors with wall-to-wall carpet. Sigh.
And when we visited her home, which was twice the size of mine, her first comment was, "It's so little!!!"
It's amazing what a difference there is in perspective between childhood and adulthood.
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