It isn't often I discover someone with a talent like yours! I checked your blog and read a few select titles... THREE Curie recognitions! That is awesome!
Your focus is eroticism, but you could branch out and drag in those fans that read calmer topics.
If you stay at it, I predict a more substantial following with enormous voting power. Your kind of talent will make Steemit great!.
I added you to my autovote list. My vote isn't worth a lot, but you deserve it.
CARRY ON, girl!
Count me as one of your newest and greatest fans!
I don't know what to say! That's a pretty big compliment. You're very encouraging! I will keep writing as often as I can. I'm working on some new ebooks (both erotica and just some other less explicit stuff) to self publish, so we'll see where it goes. I'm still not sure that I'm doing this whole steemit thing correctly all the time. It's such a different beast than what I'm used to.
Still, I really appreciate your amazing comments. Thank you so much!