Maintenance (Part II) - A fiction smidgen for Freewrite #248 - suffers in silence

in #freewrite7 years ago (edited)

Greetings fellow Steemians, here is my 60th 5 minute freewrite. (Disclaimer: these usually take me more than 5 minutes to write). The prompt was "suffers in silence".

Come check out the goings on at @freewritehouse! Many thanks to @mariannewest for hosting this wonderful daily freewrite :)


Maintenance (Part II)

"And he knows he's an asshole", she persisted.

"Yes." Alistair replied. "Yes he does."

"He's the Patron Saint of Assholes. Literally. That's how he got to be company president. The board figured he'd be jerk enough to piss off the Celestial Hierarchy, that if he was enough of a thorn in their lily white sides they'd bugger off to focus on something else, and leave the Equilibratorium to its own devices, and they have. The plan worked. also backfired. Because now we're left with Flavius for President. The Patron Saint of Assholes. Again, literally. Is it any wonder Michael said something? I mean he's not likely to suffer in silence when somebody's being an asshole. Archangels are not exactly known for their tolerance of other points of view. And remember he promised, when he petitioned for an internship, never to use his flaming sword, except by the President's request. So...calling an asshole an asshole is pretty much his only recourse at this point." She proceeded to bite her lip, hard, took several deep breaths to calm herself down, and began the familiar process of slowly counting backwards from ten in her head.

Alistair raised his right eyebrow at her. When this failed to have the desired effect, he narrowed his eyes and leaned in closer to whisper conspiratorially: "You're very beautiful when you get all worked up like that. Have sex with me."

Marjorie rolled her eyes and said a small prayer to herself. Then she fixed him with a bug eyed glare. "For the thousandth time Ali: NO."

Alistair shrugged and relaxed back into his armchair, gazing through the windows again, with that annoying little half-smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

Demigods, Marjorie thought. They fucking suck ass.

The rain was letting up... already she'd noticed a porpoise flailing about in the upper branches of a tree, and a small squid pulsing listlessly through the air only a few inches above the carefully manicured lawn. She'd have to find Eddigsworth soon, but of course that was hit or miss. Eddi would only be found if he wanted to be found, and most of the time he didn't, too wrapped up in his research. Wizards. They... she considered for a minute.. well, they didn't actually suck ass as hard as demigods. But still.

"I like that he's wearing black these days", said Alistair, rubbing his lower lip with a forefinger and staring off into the distance, like a GQ model pretending to look thoughtful but not quite succeeding. "It suits him."

Marjorie gave her head a quick shake. What could he possibly be on about now?


"Mikey", replied Alistair. "I like his black. Makes him look a little bit less... oh I dunno. Liberace."

Marjorie laughed involuntarily, then clapped a hand to her mouth. His look had been a bit on the flamboyant side when he was with the CH. But now...well, she had to admit Ali had a point. Michael looked very masculine in black. Maybe a little too masculine...

"You're blushing."

"Huh?" she replied intelligently.

Alistair raised an eyebrow at her again, but this time it was the left eyebrow. His quizzical eyebrow. Not the seductive one, that was his right. She felt her cheeks getting even hotter. "Don't be silly."

Alistair laughed: a loud, spontaneous laugh, free of artifice, as if he'd been ambushed by his own amusement. For a moment, impossibly, he seemed less two dimensional, more interesting, maybe even genuinely worth speaking to. Maybe. Even if he was laughing at her.

He regained his composure and turned to her soberly, wiping a tear from his eye. "You like him!" he accused, fixing her with a stern look.

Then his right eyebrow went up. "It's too bad. Because you would have enjoyed sex with me very, very m..."

And here he had to stop, because her hands were balled into fists, her lower lip trembling almost imperceptibly, and her eyes blazed.

There are lines you do not cross. Everybody knows, you really don't want to see the Demigoddess of Patience-With-Idiots lose her patience.

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horizontal rulers courtesy @cryptosharon