Wow, I appreciate you adding my link here and how much you liked and supported my story! But when I did the post for @jayna's 250 word contest, I didn't follow the 5 minute rule for a freewrite. I concentrated on the 250 word limit rather than the time limit. So I don't think it would qualify (plus not using the freewrite tag). So thank you and @mariannewest for this conversation and deliberation! Next time, I'll do the freewrite FIRST, then polish it up for @jayna's contest as she suggests! It just feels kind of funny to make a post, then use the same content in another post. But it would be a different story I guess, after "polishing up". Thank you both again!
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You are as scrupulous as you are talented, and I'm wincing here and slinking way thinking I'm a cheat, but then, I freely admit to never getting anything much down in five minutes. Nothing I'd publish. My son recommends publishing the honest, unvarnished five-minute drivel, then linking to a second post showing how I've expanded and revised. You-Tubers and Steemians know the value of serializing our work. More chances to get visitors, upvotes, comments, and so on. Me, I like to keep it all in one place. I hope you know that I'm not the only writer posting more than 5 minutes of output in response to the prompts. @mariannewest, maybe we need to add a disclaimer to the daily prompt posts, encouraging people to post even if they believe they "cheated" or "disqualified" themselves by taking more than 5 minutes?