Ok, weird: @mvkean has a new Steemit account and no "Reply" option appears at any post he visits, e.g., the Freewrite prompt for today. He cannot post a link to his own freewrite so I'm doing it for him. (And he tells me I'm cheating if I take more than five minutes on it. Ha. I always add more.)
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The Private Owner key didn't work. He tried the Active key and got this message:
I don't understand what's wrong, but when that happens to me I have to use the search bar of my platform to get to a blog and then scroll down to the post I want to react with, I can't just click on a link to get there. xo
This was different: apparently he was no longer logged in and couldn't reply to post or upvote or resteem. I think he just kept trying the Master Key or some other key until he got logged in again. Now he's on the road to Chicago, then after Christmas, the rest of the way to New York. I don't know where I'll be for Christmas: I only know I won't be home alone like last year (just husband and me, nobody else). I wanted to go caroling and visiting the infirm and lonely. He opted not to. I stayed home with him Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. At least everyone is alive. Nobody missing because they are no longer of this earth. so there was that. And this is why calendars don't matter to me. Celebrate whatever day works, not the day that "everyone" is rejoicing with family. On the bright side, I seem to have convinced people to stop buying presents, at least for me. Nothing I want except everyone to be happy and be together. (That might be a fairy tale.) Sorry. He is ON THE ROAD now and I never did write my freewrite to this prompt.... thanks @owasco for checking in here!
I see he did manage to post the link for himself, so one problem solved.
I'm the Tuesday encourager, and I like to get ahead or it's just a bit much for one day, along with PHC stuff. So I'll be back tomorrow with the prompt! I try to do at least one freewrite a week of my own, but I've been failing at that. I don't know why I can't bring myself to do them anymore. They were so much fun, I think it's performance anxiety. Is that not silly?
So there's that too.
xo I wish more than anything right now that your sister could be with you this xmas. I suppose she is, as @fitinfun says in her freewrite for today, the memories are ALWAYS with you.
He might have not clicked the post that keeps him logged in. I often have to log in when I click on a link...
He can sign up with steemconnect to store his passwords and make the log in faster.
He wants to use the posting key to log into the accounts unless he does money stuff - then he needs to use the active key.