A day late and a dollar short. I planned to write a happy tale of cooperation and older siblings sharing the load, but the five minutes ran out, and I remembered @mvkean calling it "cheating" and violating the spirit of the 5-minute freewrite if I kept going and going. (Which I always do. For hours, sometimes.)
This is not my usual style. Or theme. AT ALL.
hahaha - he will learn that there is no limit to what a freewriter can do :)
Oooh, that's a goose-bumpy insight, Marianne - especially when I just read, moments earlier (not from my son!!!):
Used in the interest of laziness... what, not self-editing and revising?
Who promotes that?
Thank you Marianne for the kind words and for knowing the spirit of the freewrite and how FREE, and free-ing, this mode of writing can be!
Guess the haters are still at it. I am so tired of those kinds of people.
Let them go to hell, as my Arab friends would say 😂