That is exactly what I think was happening Marco! My problem with the people working there is that number one they were robbing people, selling them worthless goods. And second that they endangered my life by serving me food that was obviously spoiled. It is true that they could have been just doing what they were told to do, but can you force someone to steal from others? What if I had taken that bite and died from e-Coli or some other type infection? Who would have been to blame for my wrongful death? The cook had to have known that the meat was bad. From the way that I was treated it was clear to me that both the waitress and the manager already knew that there was a problem and they had prepared themselves for my response. The act was negligent, criminal and dangerous, these are the factors, along with the employees' attitudes, that were driving my anger. I must also carry a degree of guilt since I failed to report the incident. Thus I left the door open for others to be injured or to suffer loss. I should have reported what happened to the proper authority, it was my civic duty to do so but I was too selfish and didn't want to go to all that bother. 🙁
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Well, you're absolutely right! I was only provoking you a little ;)
Here in Italy, often is enough to write down a bad review on TripAdvisor. People use this app a lot for choosing restaurants. But the right thing to do would be a report to the Antisofistications and Health Centers of the Carabinieri force. ;)
By the way, thank you for delivering the prompt today, much appreciated! 🙂