It was the only logical first response.. 🖖 live long and prosper on that bike..
Also, say hello to the headphone drone, repeatedly. And, reply back to the Bluetoother chatting with their hands free friend.. Never mind they're not talking to you, blanket statements like "that's bullshit and you know it" are my favourite interjection...
It was the only logical first response.. 🖖 live long and prosper on that bike..
Also, say hello to the headphone drone, repeatedly. And, reply back to the Bluetoother chatting with their hands free friend.. Never mind they're not talking to you, blanket statements like "that's bullshit and you know it" are my favourite interjection...
Posted using Partiko Android
Good tip! You're obviously an old hand at this. As to living long, it's unlikely. It's like demolition derby on the roads here.