Weekend Freewrite 02/10/2018 - Single Prompt Option: BLACK

in #freewrite7 years ago

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Black is my very favourite colour, or is that lack of colour? Every piece of clothing I own is black, bar my pyjamas, and it's been like that for my entire adult life. The wonderful thing about having all black clothes is that everything matches. The awkward thing is that you can never find what you’re looking for in the wardrobe.

I did go crazy about 10 years ago and buy a black and white jumper, but it’s been sitting there ever since, unworn.

I was a punk in the 1970s and 80s, so perhaps that explains it. We punks just loved our black, and at the time I felt so black on the inside that black on the outside seemed sort of appropriate.

These days I’m all sweetness and light, but since I haven’t purchased many clothes since the 1980s, just an odd thing here and there, I’m still wearing the same clothes I wore 30 years ago, all black. Luckily I’ve never gained any weight. If that ever happens I’m really stymied, unless I make a fortune as a blogger and can employ a personal shopper/stylist/makeover artist.........;)

Note: Written using the Most Dangerous Writing App which I will likely never use again!


Image is my own

Posted in response to the weekend freewrite challenge by @mariannewest which you can see here https://steemit.com/freewrite/@mariannewest/weekend-freewrite-02-10-2018-single-prompt-option


Haven't seen you around in a while - nice to see you back. I have an impressive collection of black T-shirts - all with bands logos on them, so I'm pretty desperate when I need to dress up like a decent mother :)

I can just imagine. You sound like a bit of a mutineer mum alright!

I admire your consistency. I'm always around, it's just sometimes the words won't come.

I know some nuns who are in the habit of buying black too. 😂

Hahaha, Actually, if I hadn't become a successful space cadet, nun was my second career choice!

I suck at laundry... No two pieces of black clothes are the same color in my wardrobe... lol!

Hahaha, 50 shades of black!

My wardrobe looks the exact same way, only a lot messier :P The only color in there are a few ties (like solid pink, purple and red along with the solid black ones) and a dress shirt that is not entirely black, but has some thin grey stripes, so it looks kind of grey at a distance.

I'd say we have impeccable style! Black goes well with anything, but it goes best with more black. :)

Yes indeed, I read that in your blog somewhere that you only wear black. Of course two highly intelligent persons such as ourselves are bound to have sartorial elegance in common.

The Henry Ford style, I like it.

That reminds me of one of my father's favourite sayings. 'Give me ham, spam or jam, anything as long as it's meat'

Plus, black never goes out of style! My favorite part about owning so much black is when I ask for someone to grab a shirt for me and they come back wondering which one of the 10 I wanted. LOL

Yeah, well, they may be all black but they're all entirely different!!

Should this prompt hit your head I do apologize, it's difficult to aim while flying through the skies!

Freewrite Day 115 - Mason Jar

It is a good thing that you never gained weight. "unless I make a fortune as a blogger and can employ a personal shopper/stylist/makeover artist.........;)" Wouldn't that be nice! : )
We are the deliverers for Wedmesday's prompt. Would it be OK with you if I started at the bottom and you start at the top? PLMK...thanks!

Sure, but you seem to have started at the bottom and worked your way all the way up to the top! In fact I think I duplicated a few not realising I now had a helper.
Good to have you on board.

LOL! Yup, I kept going until I saw your replies at the top and the I stopped. This was my first time as a deliverer and I had a great time reading all of the freewrites. Hope to do it again real soon.
Thanks for the welcome. : )

What colour are your pyjamas ? gold I'm guessing !

Ya got me......black with thin gold stripes!

All black? Don't you bored or tired of wearing the same color? I mean for 30 years? Respect!

You've got some serious will power! A couple of days ago I couldn't leave the house because I had no new outfit to wear. I get that black matches everything but then colors are so beautiful,; they make things look less dull, more adventurous.

Nine (9) days since! Such a lifetime to us #freewriter's if your works are such Quality!

We miss you @deirdyweirdy, miss the freewrites. So i am here on a special assignment by @marriannewest: to deliver specially to you, today's prompt: Here


We wait to read another of your classics!

Thanks for the encouragement. My apologies for my absence but I've been travelling. I'll be back in the saddle come next Thursday.

We'll just hang on then, and wait., till then, Cheers!

Hello you wonderful Encouragers & Prompt Deliverers!!! First of all, each one of you ROCKS!! 😁 Thank you so very much!!! I'm grateful to be in a group with people who take time out of each day to help their fellow freewriters (insert your pat on the back here would you please)! 🤗

I've attached an editable spreadsheet (Ugg..yes I know - I groaned making it LOL!😂) to help organize our deliveries.
It is also pinned in the room Marianne's Plans on Isle of Write's Discord Channel. Please feel free to message me if you'd like a link to the room.

Many of the Encouragers use the room to leave messages for the others so as there isn't any overlap in delivering the prompts (time is precious and who wants to double back?⌚ ).

Please check the schedule to see if there are others slated to deliver prompts for that day. If so, it would be great if you would message (or leave a comment for them on a Freewrite in case they are not on Discord) prior to beginning and then put that on(update) the spreadsheet. This way, each one of us can check our messages and know who starts where and when. (Again, to prevent two people delivering prompts to the same freewriter twice).

If you have any questions or would like me to adjust the sheet, please let me know.
THANK YOU ALL!!! You're doing this is truly appreciated! 💙
(Sorry for leaving such a long comment!)😿
