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RE: Love, Hate, or Apathy - Day 373: 5 Minute Freewrite: Prompt: hate

in #freewrite6 years ago

I appreciate that you share such a personal story with us. I think a lot of us have our own Thads. Somebody who we adored at certain period, who we lost and who made us realize how lucky we are that we lost them and that we live happy lives without them.

Sometimes is good to look back and appreciate what we have now. I'm happy for you that you realize that Thad had an important role in your life and that you didn't become like one of your poor sisters with their husbands.

Are you in touch with Kyle? Or is he also indifferent to you now? :)

Thank you for sharing! All the best to you and your family!


getting it!
Kyle has barely spoken to me since 1980, but I'd love to see him again sometime. Thad, no, I wouldn't subject myself to any of the censure I imaine he could convey without even a word...
I don't imagine Kyle would want to be reminded of that turbulent semester (I've been called a "whirling dervish" but not by Kyle). ;) --- it's never intentional nor am I ever aware of sowing discord or chaos!
Ah, my sisters. A sad subject.
You're right, most of us have had our own Thads. Maybe some of us are Thads! Do these people ever recognize themselves...?
I don't slam doors. I forgive to the point of being a floor mat. But my husband is coaching me on that ... just let some "friends" go and don't look back.
Thank you for reading and commenting, @delishtreats, and for * All best to you and yours, too, @delishtreats!