WTF with the TV’s and the crazy teacher. Good for you for telling that guy off. I can’t imagine how that all must have felt to you or to anyone who was a child on 9/11.
I remember that day so vividly but even weirder I really remember the night before. I was 27 then and on 9/10 I had been with all of my best friends. We were at one guy’s apartment and were playing video games. The most mundane night ever. Eating fast food burgers from this local hang out, being utterly content and so sure of our place in the world and confident about life.
Yeah, looking back it is sort of crazy to just throw us all in front of the t.v.'s like that. I can't imagine the same happening today.
Wow that is really interesting that you remember the night before.. but it makes sense to have that "before" memory for sure. I find each person's story of that day very intriguing, as it affected so many but each in such unique ways.