The sun was already announcing its presence: at the horizon, an orange-golden shine started to appear, with a lone and sad bird the only creature watching, alongside a very scared and doubtful boy.
He remembered. The fire, the screams, the lies of those his people trusted. It wasn’t fair how things ended up being, and amidst his dry tears and heavy fear, he felt those people shouldn’t be happy, they should be punished.
There will be a time for revenge, now… we must live –he heard as a soft whisper at his left. The bird was sitting atop his shoulder, looking at him. He had always been right so, to live, for a while, until a better death presented itself for him and those who needed it.

For: https://steemit.com/freewrite/@mariannewest/day-570-5-minute-freewrite-monday-prompt-time