Daddy taught me how to drive my first tractor trailer and we called her Caty, she wasn't the most reliable but it got us through crop season alright. I stopped school at eight years old, just to help the family make ends meet. It's all good.
I was the oldest and the Caterpillar lasted for more over 20 years, helped paid a lot of bills and brought food to the table. One time during planting season we thought she was a goner, the rains fell for over 30 days and we thought it was the end of the world. Sure 'nuff ole Caty did her job and we made the mortgage. Planting season continued, and all Hell didn't break lose.
My daddy lived a mighty long time, and so did mama ... we just kept plantin' 'til that ole Caterpillar gave out. Hard work never killed nobody as they say, and it was a fruitful life. I married and had kids, and taught my babies how to drive one too. It's life I s'pose, the cycle they say.
Not long after Caty crapped out we bought a new Caterpillar and named him Carter, he's still with us strong as ever. Of course Caty got the right of passage and a ceremony held in her honor for all the years of service. O'Death was sang by our youngest in her honor and the blues was played all day.