A Fully Booked Bus, a Dog and an Asshole

in #freewrite4 years ago


It wasn’t probably the smartest of choice to travel back to the city on public transportation on an Easter Monday when obviously everyone else has the same exact idea. I don’t care about the fake pandemic thing much, but I just don’t enjoy it if I have to sit next to someone on the bus. But alas, there I was on the one bus that wasn’t yet fully booked yesterday, but was filling up fast.

I was sitting at the back of the bus, doh, when I saw a woman with a doge trying to find a seat. She first sat in front of me and put the dog on the isle but a rude lady on the other side of the isle snapped at her, saying she doesn’t like dogs. Okay, and!? I don’t like your attitude but it’s illegal to punch you in the face for being an asshole so why don’t you keep your opinions to yourself. It’s not like it was some yapping beast but a well behaved puppy that clearly would have been of no harm to her. If she was allergic or something, she would have chosen a method of transport that doesn’t allow pets.

Anyways, the dogs owner went to sit on the back stairs of the bus, for the what would be an hour and a half long trip. Not cool, not cool at all. I took all my stuff on my lap and asked her if she wanted to come sit next to me and if the dog would be alright being in the space between the seats. She looked relieved and said yes if that’s alright with me.

I went out of my comfort zone and actually talked to the dogs owner most of the way. She kept apologizing for the dog because it sat on my legs and keps wanting to try and climb to sit between us. I assured the owner that it’s quite alright and that we can’t do anything about the fact that we all chose to travel back to the city on the same day. Besides, my feet were a bit cold so I didn’t mind the dog snuggling up against me.

I’m no altruist you see.


Ennen omaa autoa olin tarinan koiranomistaja julkisissa liikennevälineissä lähes joka viikko ruhka-aikana, joten tämmöiset tarinat ja vastaanotot lämmittää mieltä kovin! 🐾

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Voin vaan kuvitella kuinka stressaavaa se on ollu joka kerta!

Ah ;

Is that an asshole winking?

This was a fun story. Rude people suck.

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Came for asshole photos.

Didn't see any. But the story was better, I'm glad you helped the dog, the owner and yourself - as snuggling dogs do good to people.

I didn’t wanna put an asshole photo here and have to tag this nsfw.

I’m not the biggest animal person, but they are fun when they aren’t yours and you can just pet them for a while 😁

Minä en haluaisi lemmikkiä, mutta se on mukavaa kun voivat olla vain siliteltävänä sopivalla hetkellä :D

Tilasin muuten toisen salaman itselle, yksi teki jo paljon mutta yhdellä salamalla kuvaaminen oli turhan rajoittunutta ja nyt sitten tulee kaverisalama.

Niin siinä käy noiden lisävalojen kanssa! Tällei itekkin alunperin hyvin salamavastaisena on nyt koko ajan mielessä että mitäpä rompetta sitä hankkis lisää salamakuvaukseen liittyen.

I currently have 85 pounds of German Shepherd sleeping on my feet. (Working from home has it's perks) You can not find a better pair of slippers. But when the doorbell rings ..... my slippers might break my knees trying to get to the door. ;-)

I'm glad you gave the doggo a great place to sit. (and the owner too ... I guess)

Lucky dog!

But I agree I must be honest travelling with the great unwashed is not something I personally do, out of choice.

And this is why I love you!!!! Lol💜💜💜💜

Aww babe, you are always so sweet!

Lol, not laughing at you but your style. Love it.

Honestly, if enough people told that asshole to fuck off she wouldn't act that way. It's not like the dog was being obnoxious to begin with.

In fact, most people have too much tolerance for minority of the rude obnoxious people. You know she can move to another seat if she doesn't like dogs. 😁