The war was inevitable. It was forced upon the mortals by the minor gods and deities after being consumed with immense hatred and jealousy towards the legendary hero, the Great Chief, Iqhawe Pakari. They knew he was the fulfilment of the prophecy that had been foretold thousands of years ago, that a certain man would be born with such supernatural strength and would be the saviour of all mankind, from past, present and future generations. As that would be the case, they would then have no chance to rule the earth but would be under the authority of men instead.
Because of their obsession to subjugate the mortals, especially the Great Chief, the gods had been oblivious of what had been taking place in the Northern Kingdom. Let it be known that there were some minor gods who did not join the rebellion of the others, and remained loyal to the Chief God. They were given the title "angels and archangels," and they were sent to the Northern Kingdom to give aid and service to the mortals as needed. With their help, the men were able to dig the earth to its core and build an abyss, the deepest hole that was ever made. They faithfully followed God's detailed instructions given to the Great Chief, even though the purpose of this bottomless pit was not even revealed to them.
The men also trained for days ceaselessly, not showing any indication of surrender or fear, notwithstanding the fact that they would have to fight against the gods that no man had ever fought before. Even women were also prepared for the battle they had long anticipated. Aside from the spools of thread that they made out of their own hairs to heal the wounds of the injured warriors, they also made braided hairs to chain and tether their captives.
At last, the day had come for the mortal warriors of the Northern Kingdom to assemble at the foot of Mt. Vouno. They would have to traverse the thick forest of this high mountain all the way to the peak, where the gods were still convening to deliberate their evil plans. Iqhawe Pakari scrutinised all of the chieftains whether they had put on the full armour that the Chief God had given them. This was deemed of great importance as sleep would not be an option.
The battle began as soon as they reached the peak of Mt. Vouno. The men raised their shielded spears ready to thrust over the heads of their enemies. The evil gods were confounded as they did not expect that the war would begin that day. They could not penetrate the mighty pack of warriors, and one by one, the gods who were stabbed by the spears lay either dead on the ground or paralysed. The men immediately tied them up with the braided hairs and dragged them back to the Northern Kingdom.
Meanwhile, the war was not over yet. Upon seeing their imminent downfall, the assumed chief of the evil gods, Dhemonas, retreated into the lizard cave behind Mt. Vouno, where he thought he would not be found. The Chief God then sent a bolt of lightning to Iqhawe Pakari, which he used to ride to Dhemonas' lair. Iqhawe Pakari roared into the mouth of the cave, exclaiming, "In the Name of the Chief God, you come out of your den and we begin this battle at once."
Dhemonas trembled in fear as he came out of the cave. Without hesitation, Iqhawe Pakari then raised his spear and thrust the sharp point into the head of his enemy. From there, the Great Chief dragged the fiend with his spear into the lightning bolt and he rode it back to the Northern Kingdom. In his return, Iqhawe Pakari threw all of the evil gods into the dark abyss and the Chief God sent an unquenchable fire into that bottomless pit. Iqhawe Pakari locked the pit up with a flaming iron bar and he gave the key back to the Chief God.
After the war, the Northern and the Southern Kingdoms united and all the people celebrated as Iqhawe Pakari declared their victory over the evil gods and deities. From then on, people have lived in peace and harmony, for evil has no place on earth forevermore.

This is a freewrite exercise using the @mariannewest's word prompt, "lizard cave", and @shadowspub's word prompts, "high, scrutinize, hole".
You may also want to read my previous freewrite posts leading up to this story:

Nice work combining the two sets of prompts together @evlachsblog ... you have the roots of what could be a series of stories if you wanted to.
Thank you, @shadowspub. I decided this would be the end of my legendary hero series. I am finding it hard to think of another plot, even this one took me days to think of a continuation to the last one.
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