Original by @f3nix
English Version
"Do not worry Bianchina, this time I'm displaying you in plain sight, in front of all the others". With extreme care, Mildred's tapered fingers repositioned the pretty wooden duck on the sideboard of the bed. The elderly woman in a dressing gown stared at the large and multifaceted collection with satisfaction.
"If only Theo knew it, I'm sure it would start a tirade about the fact that I have to go out more," thought the woman, giving the ducks an equally fixed and slightly frowning look.
To be sincere, there were very few things his son could have noticed in that period, absorbed as he was by his new job in that prestigious law firm.
Since her husband had come to a better life, it was these little rituals made of shifted and dusted objects to represent Mildred's salvation.
She neatly folded his dressing gown on the pouf, next to the bedroom dressing table, lined up the slippers on the bedspread and laid down.
"Surprise coming to you!". In the darkness of the room, a stentorian voice caught the poor woman as she slid into the arms of Morpheus. Mildred jumped from the inside of the bed like a cat with a dozen coffees in the body, emitting at the same time a high pitch that would have been envied by Maria Callas.
"Milly, it's me, Alfredo, your husband!", pressed that entity. In the woman, fear gave slowly way to a dazed amazement. To all the effects, the voice of her late husband seemed to come from inside the pillow. His baritone tone, that hard "R" that betrayed his Italian origins. It could only be him!
On the opposite side of the bed, Mildred was literally mesmerized. She almost did not follow the content of the reassuring words coming from the pillow, more and more conquered by that forgotten tone of voice now unexpectedly back to life. He was undoubtedly a younger man, she would have said it was the voice of when they had just met, that beautiful bronze and vibrant sound. It was him.
The strength in his voice carried her back in time and reminded her of instincts and impulses locked up in the depths of her soul. She could not even understand how, but that soft and feathery consistency now surrounded her and caressed her body with care and mastery. That night, not many words flew between Mildred and the late Alfredo, now speaking-pillow.
In the following days, Mildred's life underwent a true Copernican revolution. The house was transformed with her, returning to live and breathe, the open windows now welcomed the scents of an exuberant spring, free to flood the rooms filled with light.
Even Theo, on one of his rare visits, realized that something in his mother's life had changed profoundly.
Versione Italiana
"Non preoccuparti bianchina, questa volta ti metto in bella vista, davanti a tutte le altre". Con estrema cura, le dita affusolate di Mildred riposizionarono la graziosa anatra di legno sulla credenza a lato del letto. L'anziana donna in vestaglia guardò compiaciuta la nutrita e multiforme collezione.
"Se solo lo sapesse Theo. Sono certa che inizierebbe una filippica sul fatto che devo uscire di più", pensò la donna restituendo alle anatre uno sguardo altrettanto fisso e leggermente accigliato.
A ben vedere, erano ben poche le cose di cui suo figlio si sarebbe potuto accorgere in quel periodo, fagocitato com'era dal nuovo lavoro in quel prestigioso studio legale.
Da quando il marito era passato a miglior vita, erano questi piccoli rituali fatti di oggettini spostati e spolverati a rappresentare la salvezza di Mildred.
Ordinatamente piegò la vestaglia sul pouf, accanto al tavolino da trucco della stanza da letto, allineò le ciabatte sullo scendiletto e si coricò.
"Arriva una sorpresa per te!". Nel'oscurità della stanza, una voce stentorea colse la poveretta mentre stava scivolando fra le braccia di Morfeo. Mildred saltò da dentro il letto come un gatto con una dozzina di caffè in corpo, emettendo al contempo un acuto che avrebbe fatto invidia a Maria Callas.
"Milly sono io, Alfredo, il tuo maritino!", incalzò quella entità. La paura lasciò il passo ad un intontito stupore. A tutti gli effeti la voce del suo defunto marito sembrava provenire da dentro il cuscino. Il suo tono baritonale, quella erre dura che tradiva la sua origine italiana. Non poteva che essere lui!
Al lato opposto del letto, Mildred era letteralmente ipnotizzata. Non seguiva quasi il contenuto delle parole rassicuranti provenienti dal guanciale, sempre più conquistata da quel tono di voce ormai dimenticato. Era indubbiamente un lui più giovane, avrebbe detto che era la voce di quando si erano appena conosciuti, quel bel suono bronzeo e vibrante. Era lui.
La forza nella voce la trasportò indietro nel tempo e le ricordò istinti e pulsioni ormai rinchiuse nel profondo del suo animo. Non riuscì nemmeno a capire come, ma quella consistenza soffice e piumosa ora la circondava e accarezzava con cura e maestria il suo corpo. Quella notte, non vi furono molte parole fra Mildred e il fu Alfredo, ora cuscino parlante.
Nei giorni successivi, la vita di Mildred subì una vera rivoluzione copernicana. La casa si trasformò con lei, tornando a vivere e respirare, le finestre aperte ora accoglievano i profumi di un esuberante primavera, liberi di inondare le stanze ricolme di luce.
Persino Theo, in una delle sue rare visite, si accorse che qualcosa nella vita di sua madre era profondamente cambiato.
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Grazie, accetto molto volentieri! La mano nella foto è di mia moglie..alla fine si è prestata ;-). Il team di OCD fu il primo ad incoraggiarmi a scrivere, commentando un mio articolo introduttivo. Persone come voi danno un'anima a Steemit, continuate così!
Yay!! More eyes on your work!!
I wish this may help in more people being curious about freewrites and our community :-)
Yes, and on you! I want you to be wildly successful on here so you can justify the time you spend....
You know that I will hide this last sentence from my wife's eyes don't you? :-P (thanks!)
yes! Hide it!! lol
Grazie! Ma tu, continua a scrivere eh! (Ottima anche l'interpretazione fotografica....
As someone heavily into the paranormal, I've heard many stories similar to this. Just not as eloquently put. Beautiful.
This one started as a joke ..the first picture was a pillow dressing my boxers with the skull design and a banana..The idea was just to have some fun but somehow I spared you and made a more delicate piece. Thank you my friend for your appreciation..I have to show you a medal I have, talking about paranormal :-)
Please, oh please! Send me the first picture, I want to see it so bad!
You know I can't say no to such an heartfelt request... tiè!! The porn-pillow in all its magnificence XD
p.s.: now that the freewrite has been endorsed as a cute and legitimate one, I can reveal it (even if wife is not agreeing)
This is magnificent, my friend! The real Alfredo! The skulls are the sign these underpants come from the afterlife to console the old widow!
You nailed it! Maybe I should have been more brave and put this one..
I was so happy for Mildred when her late husband came to her! I got chills because that has happened to me with loved ones who have "crossed over" and it always makes me happy. Mildred is now among the living once again. Man, this was so beautifully written. And I loved your touch of humor with the cat. Love every word of this and now here is a surprise for you. Tip!
In fact, with the cat simily I was thinking right about you 😁 how is pachino doing?
I'm so glad that this short writing could find somehow a correspondence in your life experience and your sharing it here is a gift for me.. talking about gifts, GRAZIE!! The tip was so appreciated my feline friend 👍 😀
Caio! So nice of you to be thinking of us. : ) Pachino is doing well; thanks for asking. It is so cold and windy here now so we are getting extra snuggling time together. The tip was my pleasure. : ) You take care of yourself my friend. : )
It's cold and windy here too in Malta, where I am now, although in the day it's sunny.. Im basically living in the bedroom (where thanks God there's a heat pump - here homes don't have heating system!) at the side of my wife who's studying ..take care too and give a caress from me to the little Pachi 😁
A heat pump and body heat. LOL! Do you have air conditioning for the summer?
Pachino said Grazie. Wishing you a Healthy, Happy and Prosperous New Year! : )
Body heat was quite missed :-P We have air conditioning, and even that is a matter of survival when you're in an island which is closer to north africa than Italy! This is just a period in which we are part..soon she will be joining me back to north Italy (where houses have a roof, insulated and with a heating system). I wish you all the best for a 2018 made of happiness and abundance! p.s.: I took a pic of Tommy, our persian cat here in Malta..I'll share it to you asap ;-)
I am sorry, I misunderstood. I thought your wife was at your side, studying. I am happy to hear that you will be together again soon. Thanks so much for your new year wishes. I wish you and your wife a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year! And I can't wait to meet Tommy! : )
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It's lovely for Mildred to be able to have a connection with her late husband again! I wonder how long their time together will last. If he'll have to return to his plane and wait for her to finish her time here?
Did you ever see the movie The Ghost and Mrs. Muir? If not, you may enjoy the humor and the romance. Grazie for the story, @f3nix!
Grazie to you for passing by dear @brisby ! I'll check that movie definitely.. about the prosecution, actually I'm in a horror mood, I'm not sure it's good for me to prospect scenarios as it's better to leave the story cute as it it (Wait for my next post in a couple of hours, i need you to read it ..buahahahah!).
Bwwaahahaha indeed! Thank you for always bringing a smile to my face!
love it!! so happy for Mildred! And that Theo got his nose out of work and noticed...
Marianne sorry but I'm being a bit naughty again..I'll post the toothache on the one that is coming in not even two hours.. timezone is a bi*ch and honestly I'd like it to be seen by the guys as it's a strong one (I guess) :-P
Yes!! I think that is a good idea. I noticed that the ones coming in late don't get that much attention. Maybe I need to change the wording to post under the latest prompt. And people can also post it under the original to keep all the stories in one place. I have to tell that to fireawaymarmot as well. He is a late poster too and hardly anyone reads his stuff.... good idea! Post under current prompt...
Thank you, you nailed it. @fireawaymarmot ones for instance are really fun, if I remember well.. I noticed that I've to reason in a -7 hrs way
They are!! And he does original drawings for most if not all. And often, I am the only one reading them. :(
I need to check them more...
Wow this is terrific! I need to get faster at typing lol. I’m so slooooow I could hardly get out half of this! Such a full and immersive story for so little time 😃. I am in awe, sir!
For how dumb I can be in the discord chat the few times I come, at least here I show some signs of life hahah.. Thank you so much @jrhughes , honestly it's not 5 minutes at all but the beauty of this place is also our freedom in expressing ourselves (I always respect the prompt though). Some of my previous ones were better have to say ("Apocalypse and pretzels").. I'm very glad that you joined us 😁
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