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RE: Dead On The Table 5 Min Free Write/ An IFC Story

in #freewrite6 years ago

Well I tried to get you involved in this you could be there overnight
but oh no we are too little to be do gooders
You should go have a look.


yeah a bunch of ants running round trying to move a pebble. I want to be a bulldozer. or at least a shovel. how do you get on their list? who do I have to pay?

This bunch of ants have made 6 minnow already. I feel kinda bad I only gave .50 this time but still she will make it by tomorrow instead of next month.
I brought up your name already you should qualify now.
It would help if you would help with the being an ant part though.
Britandjosie still is a few steem short of minnow and biking is up next week

what do you feel bad about? .50 what for who?
ok what do I do? I gotta send 6 steem away so I'll be at 454.

no I just thought they may like to make you a minnow next since you are so close. I can't guarantee that they would. But anyway next time they ask for people I will give your name.

yeah but does that answer my questions? you were saying I should send them something? seems like I should definitely send them something AFTER I hit 500.

that don't even make any sense but I am too sleepy to debate with you. I can happily say I have already helped make 6 minnow though.

debate? what are you talking about? I was asking if you recommended that I do something which you always mention and then when I ask what you meant, because it was a freaking cryptic message, you never answer me! so forget it and go get some sleep! lol. God bless you!