Day 98 - 5 Minute Freewrite: round is a shape

in #freewrite7 years ago

One of the first things we learn in school besides the ABC's is our shapes. You have square, octagon, rectangle, round, and so many more. Round is a shape I learned super quick, however I didn't come to appreciate it till I was older. It is a smooth never ending shape.

When I married my husband of just about 8 years the ring was a symbol of forever or never ending. Their is not necessarily a start or finish. It is probably my favorite out of all of them. No sharp turns or unexpected changes it remains constant. As a person who seems to have a hard time with change, round just gives me a little reminder in this crazy life while their are many changes some things will stay constant and unchanged.

Thank You for reading! Also Thank you to @mariannewest for the daily prompts!


I love the perspective you took on today's #freewrite =) Great job!

I thought today's prompt was pretty difficult! It'd be great if you checked out my post =) let me know your thoughts in the comments

What a lovely freewrite. :-) I'm not the best with change, either, so I can relate!

Lovely freewrite! I love the part about the ring. :)

Sweet and uplifting. Nice one!

What a lovely freewrite. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you for the kind words!

Your story of your ring being a constant and reliable source of comfort is lovely!

Today I'm riding along in a 1954 Bentley R-Type Continental being driven by a very stylish skeleton detective. He's helping me travel through the town of Freewrite to deliver Marianne's prompt to you.

Ooh the delivery system is interesting! Thanks for reading