
you are showing up grey on my discord sent you a test message

headchange! I always show up gray on everything. mr. blah.

you around? Want to see if you know about the RC system that is coming out tomorrow?

no what's that?

I am thinking we may want to do as much steemit stuff as possible before the fork it happens in the morning.
Want a link to where it is being discussed?
hold on you probably want to read at least a little

hey tonight I hit 460 in steem in my wallet.

almost a minnow that is huge

Basically it is about how we wont be able to comment and post as much. The limits will be based on how much sp we have. And the price of steem has been going up all day.

so what do you suggest? what time does the hardfork happen?

Last I heard was suppose to be around 11 am eastern time.
Just wondering if I should get in a post and some extra comments in advance .. just in case.