
They are all already characters in the ifc story. I was just playing around with the existing storyline. Since Appolymask wrote us all into being beamed onto his spaceship, I am just writing myself into getting transported back down. At least until the ifc games begin.
Looks like I may be bouncing back and forth between that and the monstercards this winter.

oh ok well you know me headchange, I have no idea what's going on or what all these games are that everyone plays, I don't get into games. Well, occasionally psychological games.

Asher just scored a $700 card and that is the lowest price for that one.
And I already made a little Steem off of my affiliate link. The games can be very profitable.
I think you get into games more than you admit. That is after all what the Engagement league is. And you do great with that one.

haha! no I'm talking about the games with the rules you have to follow and do certain things I guess it just depends on your definition of what game is. like people say Game On for everything.
I've never really liked games though and man this place is so full of them so I guess I'm the odd man out! lol.

It is just because the prizes are usually in the form of steem. Everyone here is after more steem so that leads to a lot of playing in order to get it. The ifc grand prize last season was 155 sbd so yeah competition gets pretty heavy.
I am happy for Asher if anyone deserves it he does. I would so love to get one of those gold cards. My best ones are just worth a tiny bit so I am keeping them for now.
In future I hope to earn some steem off of playing the cards. Or sell if they go up in the markets.

right. good luck with that. I won't hold my breath. but let me know if you strike it rich. I might need a loan. by they way you never answered a couple of my comments in discord. I know you live in there have the time socializing but maybe you could answer a question now and then? I would hate to mess up your social life though so take your time, this is just a reminder for this week.

no I only leave gina on so I know whats going on. My discord time is more task oriented than social. Like the pifc judging and curation for c squared stuff like that.
I will go scroll back and see what question I missed.

P.S if anyone gives you a card take it they are all worth something. Most are worth more than any upvote I usually get.

right. be still my beating heart. I wait with baited breath. that will be the day. hey if those things are digital then how do you have them and how do you know you won't get hacked and they get disappeared from you?

same way you know your steemit money won't go poooof in the night. I am just as careful with that account as my steemit. And you never know people give out free cards all the time my first 10 or so were free.