Fuck this who cares if the world is going to end no way I'm dying yet got a date to go to, Jayo says to his friends Tika and skrippture... Dude your not freaking serious the world's gonna end and all your thinking of is getting laid??? Sure hope I'm getting laid cost me a 100 bucks for this condoms, I mean WTF is this world turning into 100 quid for a fricking 3 pack and shit's not even flavoured, Oh well... Dude you know the world's ending right?!?! I'm actually surprised you were able to buy... Ha don't believe everything America tells you this is Africa we eat dogs for dessert ants are the least of our concern... You know it's wasps right?? Wasps, ants no difference... Yo skrippture why you so quiet... Duuuuuuude I don't know maybe cause you won't pass the fucking blunt... ring ring hear that think your phone's ringing, picks up phone 99 missed calls from mum... Are you freaking serious dude your mum loves you 99 that's a new record... Lol that's nothing one time she called me a 200 times I left my date at the cinema and ran home, know what she called me for to feed the dog... Jayo that's nothing one time my mum. . . stop!!! no one cares its not a competition... ring ring your mum again... Hello momma screaming foolish boy where are you did you not see my calls, you want to kill me before I see my grandkids, where are you??? Did you not see the news??? Ehhh what news... Are you playing games with those good for nothing friends of yours again??? I've told you stop playing with people like that can't you be like your brother... Is this why you called me?? Shut up I'm talking your talking where are you start going to the airport the government says their evacuating everybody... Mama me I have a date ooo I've told you people to stop believing everything America says... cuts call... Nigga what was that about, don't know for my mum something about the news... Skrippture turns on the TV scenes of dead bodies litter the screen the reporter can be heard saying the government has issued a state of emergency and ordered all citizens to head for the airport, man was finally heading to mars skrippture chokes on the blunt looks at Tika before scampering for the door, Tika follows suit before looking at Jayo as if to say dude aren't you coming...
Gingerly Jayo walks to the door laughing takes a peek outside and sees nothing, neighborhood is empty, the sun in his eyes he shouts after his friends saying dude where the bees at told you it's all a lie the government wants to take over our homes, we getting to rich for them they need us poor... Like crazed people Tika and skrippture don't stop to listen, y'all be acting like its the Zombie Apocalypse not that they heard skrippture had long pulled out the driveway... Jayo looks at his watch shit 5:30 supposed to meet up with this gal by 6... Rushes inside to take his bath... 15 mins later we see our main character slowly walking to his car bottle of coke in one hand codeine in the other... Driving through the streets was freaking eerie abandoned cars littered the streets the homeless could be seen strolling in and out of unlocked homes... He chuckles to himself how come the moths haven't eaten them... 2hrs later Jayo still hasn't met up with his date after dialing her 2 or 3 times he decides Fuck it she's not coming now slumped in a chair puffing on a stick of cigarette he looks around the movie theater it's a full house ruffians trooping in and out, well I guess that's what happens when we believe the government, I'm heading home... At that moment a loud rumbling can be heard he rushes out the door just in time to see the first shuttle launched into space... Meanwhile despite speeding off hours earlier Tika and skrippture are still stuck on the express as if struck by madness upon seeing what looks like hope venturing further into space hordes of people can be seen deserting their cars it's now or never, skrippture and Tika follow suit we'll think about Jayo later...
Fast forward a week later the last of the shuttles have been launched 3 days ago... Jayo can be seen still sleeping when suddenly he's awakened by rude knocking at the door... Pissed at whoever the fuck can be so rude he rushes to the door still thinking of a million ways to beat up this intruder... Opens the door to see a dozen guns pointed at him and a voice saying welcome kid to the earth defence force...
Suddenly a dose of reality hits Jayo, runs back inside only to be dragged back out a dozen slaps later and one closed eye Jayo is dragged into the back of a van off to fight for man's return to earth...
Would our main character survive, what travails is he going to pass through that's a story for another day for now we are left with his tears... I don't want to fight for nobody but at this point no one cares...
Cool shit man!! I think you should do a comic strip out of this 😎👍
Lol yeah... Once in a while I think jerks deserve to take centre stage...