Being My Father's Son part5

in #freewrite7 years ago


Michelle couldn't answer my question she simply hissed and walked away with Maxwell..

What is going on?, it seems my sisters are hiding things from me, we promised to always tell the truth. I drove back home, eager to know what exactly was going on.

Esther! Esther!, where is Esther I yelled. She's not here Ruthy replied, why are you shouting?, what is the problem she asked. I couldn't help but share with her what happened outside.

Oh! she replied so now you know, it seems we really can't keep much away from you. we never wanted you to find out, knowing that you always talked about dad's murderer and hunting him down. The situation wasn't the way it seemed and we could soil father's name. We wanted the military to bury him an honorable man.


"What are you talking about", I asked Ruth as I was totally lost in the conversation. Oh shit! this means you don't know the whole story, I would have kept my mouth shut.

Are you trying to say you know who father's killer is? , was it Maxwell, is that why Esther wouldn't see him, why didn't she get him arrested. I asked so many questions Ruthy could barely hear me.

"I think Esther would be in the best position to answer all that, why not sit and wait for her return, she won't be long Ruth said to me. I was breathing heavily as I couldn't understand the statement she made. "what do you mean by you wanted the military to bury dad as a honourable man?, dad had his honor and dignity intact till his date" I added .

I really can't say much Ruth said to me. Just then Esther walked in, all sad and gloomy. Esther! I said as I rushed to her side. I have so many questions and Ruthy won't talk to me.

What truly happened to dad? I asked . Esther's eyes were filled with tears. I have never seen her cry, not since that day father brutalized her. She looked at me as though her lips where to heavy to move. "I think it's high time you knew".

She began "you know father likes taking Michelle into his room so she could crack jokes and make him laugh. I simply nodded. Well that day, father was drunk, he tried raping Michelle and just then Maxwell walked in. It all happened so fast. We just had to cover the whole thing.

I asked Maxwell to travel out since I couldn't bear seeing him nor forgiving him. He murdered dad although he was trying to help. But I just can't let him back in. Of course we couldn't publish the true story since we wanted to keep dad's reputation.

I'm sorry we couldn't tell you earlier but with your therapy done, I think you would understand better, he did it in your sister's defense.

I was weak, I could understand Esther's angle but why did he have to kill him.

The End.


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