I highly disagree with the conclusions of your comment, highly disagree... but if I wanted to have a pointless debate over religion and politics, I would go to Facebook. One day we can get a beer and debate the flaws (as well as some good points) in your logic.
And yes my teacher said those things, but he was the same teacher who told me he could just bend me over the table himself when I had to leave school early one day to go to a chiropractor for some back issues I was having - hints why he probably should have been fired ages ago.
And yes I threw my science book at him.. missed my a long shot though 🤷♀️ I remember my mom trying to make a joke about if I was going to be suspended over it, I should have at least hit my target.. but I’ve always had a terrible aim.
Crazy story to match a crazy day I guess...
All i can say is... Do some research on the world at large thinks about US and then take a step further into what islamic countries think.
The disparity in cultural values is one step that will never be crossed between the islamic and the western world, then add focused hatred on top of that.
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Yep, I’m fully aware of it actually and have done much research. It’s why I said I disagreed with your conclusions overall even though you made some good points.
Thats a very unclear answer from you then.
What do you disagree with and whats a good point?
Its hard to tell when you dont give a open answer.
Any reason why you wont?
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Pretty sure I answered that in my first comment -
Pointless is in the eye of the beholder. 😉.
There are people that really dislike you guys. I assumed it would be important to not forget that fact when talking this topic.
But fine.. Lol. Some things are taboo and make people uncomfortable to talk about.
See ya.
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