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RE: What I Really Think of Steem - Truth Talk

in #freewrite5 years ago

We argue on the Anti-Vaccination nonsense you posted. You block me there then write 3 tweets in response to what i say.

Now you write a whole post on me calling BS on your vindictive behavior towards 3speak.
Stop baiting and ill stop responding.

Just because you can sell this crap you wrote to a bunch of folks here and convince them, dont mean i buy it. And thats really what matters, isnt it. Getting emotional support from your peers which lifts your self esteem that confirms how you are right because youre incapable of having someone disagree with you and criticize you when you say dumb stuff.

No one criticizes Justine.


Yeah, you really got it all figured out it seems. As clearly I’m not capable of just expressing what I think and all.

The first three sentences were for you and all the other shit bags who can’t fathom anyone saying anything negative against a project 😱

The rest is for people I actually care about here, the community.
As I figured they needed some honest looks of what Steem is and can be, in my opinion at least.. they have smoke blown up their ass by enough people.. oh yeah and then they have the fake “honest” people who scream about whatever nonsense the voices in their head told them.

Someone asked what I thought, and that voice chat turned into this post.

You can criticize me all you want.. but please stop saying you know what I think or twist something to make it fit your agenda.. you can fuck off with that shit.

And yes, clearly my posting is for my much needed self esteem .. it’s why I do it so often after all.

Get a life dude, you are getting weird.


Oh and editing the first comment in a thread after a whole conversation has taken place is pretty much the most ridiculous thing ever.

Just proves the point that talking to you is pointless, all you want is attention.

As clearly I’m not capable of just expressing what I think and all.

You are. Not in a grown up way, though.

shit bags who can’t fathom anyone saying anything negative against a project..

Did i ever call you a shit bag? How about drop an insult like this? Again, shows whos the grown up here.

As I figured they needed some honest looks of what Steem is and can be, in my opinion at least.. they have smoke blown up their ass by enough people.. oh yeah and then they have the fake “honest” people who scream about whatever nonsense the voices in their head told them.

Yeah well you kinda go into that group as well since you and me both know what you really think. Not what you wrote here...

but please stop saying you know what I think...

I know what you fucking said and its not this shit you wrote here. I busted my ass trying to convince you not to drop Steem when you were absolutely set on doing just that and lookie here, shes up posting again about how "SOME" people are dickheads and how she all of a sudden believes in Steem.
Make up your mind and try to actually be honest.

Get a life dude, you are getting weird.

You get a life and stop fucking baiting when you read something you dont like. I write a few tweets on some random shit and Justine wakes up all of a sudden and now she has a million things to say on Steem after shes been gone for weeks or what ever it was.

😂😂😂 yes butterfly.. everything is about you after all. All my posts! Yes exactly! It’s why I’m here after all! For you!

Look, I have so many messages from you exactly like this and I always say the same thing - you have no idea what you are talking about.

I’ve been nice for almost a year dealing with your weird need to try to tell me what to do, message to tell me what I’m thinking, tell me that you know me so well so of course you are right.. and I’m done being nice.

So now you get - fuck off.

Like really, go fuck yourself. This is really old.

Oh and btw I did try to reach out to you about your dumb ass comments in DM yesterday.. but you have me blocked, I guess cause you’re butthurt about twitter.

So again 🖕🏼

I’m gonna go back to the real world now.. you should try it.

All my posts! Yes exactly! It’s why I’m here after all!

No, just those two things i just mentioned which is pretty fucking clear from our public convos. What i dont get is why you even try to lie about it. You know that we both know youre full of crap and you know exactly what i meant.

I never understood why people did that. Because its public? Because others wont like you?
I dont remember saying anything ever behind the scene that i wasnt more then willing to say in public.

I’m gonna go back to the real world now.. you should try it.

Its going to do you good to join us here IRL. This curation initiative, that curation initiative, this community, that community, Foundation, crypto conventions, this slack, that slack, now bitcoin and twitter.
Take a break Justine from the virtual...
Birds and bees and pretty meadows.



I’m confused what you think you read.. and maybe think you should stop projecting so much.

As I said, in that post up there, I believe in the tech of Steem.. and the original goal, and don’t agree with a lot that is happening currently. I believe I said up there “this is what it could be, if we don’t ruin it first”.

This isn’t a “yay Steem“ post, it’s an honest look of what I think Steem could be.

As I told you elsewhere.. which I think is what you are referring to (and somehow trying to twist into a lie on my part) is that I don’t like what our “leadership” is doing.. whether you want to call that stake holders, witnesses, random faces or Steemit inc.. I don’t like the focus.

I don’t like the focus on sucking as much inflation as possible from “projects built on Steem”.. as I don’t see how that is helping anything longterm.

I don’t like the wank club, I don’t like the auto votes and pretty much the loss of any sort of fun social action.. all of which I said in the above post.

The only thing I didn’t mention, was that if Tron bought Steemit.. therefore meaning that Justin Sun was the new largest stake holder.. I would be cashing out and leaving.

That still stands btw, just didn’t really see how that fit into this post tbh.

So I’m not entirely sure what lies you are speaking of.. I think maybe you should read posts all the way through before raging and perhaps not be so emotionally attached to trying to force people to see the world the way you do.. it’s just not gonna happen.

As I said, in that post up there, I don’t like a lot of what is happening currently.. so I’m opting out of some aspects and just stepping out of the way.

Not sure what else you want from me 🤷‍♀️ I’m trying to be completely honest here.

I want you to stop baiting. I dont give two shits about what you believe or think but if you call me out ill show up and point out your BS...

Im done with this shit. Hope you are as well.

Lol alright.. I’ll stop baiting you by responding to your stupid ass comments on my post.. got it.


Stop baiting... Bye