Good evening! I'm hungry because of our prompt today, 'fried chicken' this is initiated by @mariannewest,
My tummy is starving,
while I'm drinking
I imagined eating fried chicken
Leg, wings, ribs and thigh part, I wanted to eat them
I cook my meal, I cooked vegetable
but still I'm looking something on my table
Fried chicken is on my mind
I went outside to find and to buy
I saw a restaurant selling it
I decided to eat
I order fried chicken with fries
It's great it has some spice
Crack! crack! crack! as I bite
It's crunchy, this is what I like
It's delicious as I wanted
Now I'm contented.
I missed eating fried chicken.:)
fried egg always.
Free writing is a great way to not only let your thoughts flow freely, but also share the artistic side of the human experience. I think it's a practice that everyone should try for a period of time to understand themselves better and to find balance in life. Thanks for sharing :)
I also had fried chicken for dinner tonight. (^_-)-☆
Can you have fried chicken for breakfast? Great read. Thanks.