I decided to choose the topic "scream" out of a lot of topic listed.
We were having a geography class almost immediately the bell for class resumption was rang. Everyone in the class were active and listening to Mr Rufus with sheer enthusiasm since it was the first lecture for the session.
Suddenly there was a loud scream, it came from the next classroom. It was so loud that Mr Rufus almost jumped through the window.Hello all, @mannyz here. I happen to be participating in a freewrite by @mariannewest.
I was frightened. I needed to know who screamed and why. Mr Rufus ran out to check what was happening. Everyone in the class followed suit.
On entering Basic 3 class D, behold, the class was in shambles; the students were almost standing on their desks. A lizard had entered their classroom.
Love the reason for the scream. Funny how your heart races and your curiosity spikes from an over reaction of someone else. Love this.
That was a work of total fiction. Thanks for stopping by