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RE: Day 67: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: feet soft as fog

in #freewrite7 years ago

feet soft as fog - that seemed like a good prompt idea at the time, but is it? Is it? Really? Sometimes, the fog in my head makes me think that something is a really good idea. Like a prompt that says feet soft as fog. I can actually envision those feet. White and plumb and soft and foggy. An old foggy goes to the mall and fogs long trods along and old foggy sees a chicken in the yard. It is an old chicken and what is is it doing at the mall. why did the chicken cross the road? Can you tell me? Why? and Knock, knock. whi is there? who? the chicken who crossed the road. Oh my gosh. that is the worst joke ever. Like the German jokes which make no sense and they are supposedly a big deal in Germany and I don't even know about them. And can' remember one too.
Heard them on the podcast I really love - A Way with Words. Well, I love a lot of podcasts but have listened to this one when it was still with Richard. Read all his book on language too. Did it help me"? I don't know. I do know now the difference between then and than and sometimes lie and lay.
Why is this language so completely not logical. With silent letters and weird pronunciations and letters which shouldn't belong but there they are... making life hard for a foreigner - and for Americans as well. Spelling!! Oh no!! blushes...


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! It WAS a beautiful prompt until you had to write about it and my mind pretty much went the way of yours :D until this morning lolll