You are talented and might as well own it. That is one thing I had to learn after coming to the US. Here, you have to own your worth and stand up for it in a way that is considered rude or conceded in Europe.
Here, it is a bit much, but I feel in Europe (at least when I was living there) the constant downplaying of your own strength and talents if not healthy...
So, breath it in and own it 🤓
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Ah, snap, shouldn't have upvoted your comment that soon
Thank you.
And yes, the downplaying, let's call it for what it is, does carry its very own burden with it. And I believe you're right. We should own our strengths and be proud of them. Otherwise we just get stuck in our little self conscious loops of self-pity. :|
So, thank you, and will do (or at least try my best to!). ;D