hi @shandustin, the way you slowly remove the dust out of this "sensational" Maria Lakes murder case is breathtaking!
i've been following your past four freewrites and ENSORCELLED to the core and i would like to ask you, how you've been able to write freely, build this plot slowly and steadily with the given PROMPTS (i expect it to be more of a racy thriller in the ensuing days)......
it's really a great job @shanedustin! Hats off!
Thanks for the comment. Makes me happy. I am able to write freely... well... I really don't know. I just set the timer and I just type and until timer stops, I don't give myself time to second guess. I don't know where the story is going, but if I follow the structure correctly the story should speed up until everything is moving fast. That's the goal anyway.
Thanks for the comment!