Sea Level

in #freewrite5 years ago

For @mariannewest in @freewrite

Recently I saw an alarming video where it was discussed how ice of both poles will melt, the sea levels will rise and what will happen, as a result, with the dry land as we know it today. My primary interest (admittedly selfish) was the United States, particularly California and Florida where my family has properties. As you can see on the map below all the cities of the Eastern US border will be flooded including entire Florida. Similarly, parts of Los Angeles, San Diego, and San Francisco will go under the water. I don't know if this is genuinely scientific information or a genuine BS. But I am thinking of going to Colorado and doing some price checking.


I'd take all that with a huge pinch of salt. I remember in the 1980s we were told that Cork (Ireland) would be underwater by 2000 and then in 2000 when I was living in Amsterdam we were warned we'd be underwater in 20 years. I wish I'd put a bet on it!

Well, I had to write something ain't it? )

Ah, ya got me! I should have known that you're far too reasonable a chap to subscribe to such baloney.

sounds like a good plan! I'm thinking Tennessee for similar reason, but also political. NY is going to the crapper.

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Unfortunately, I don't know what to write on this topic. Jesus Christ comes to mind when he was going to Golgotha. But I have nothing beyond this point. Or maybe I should discuss my thorny immigration to the US. But this is too big of a topic for five minutes. )))

From my small community to the internet at large, there is so much rubbish out there that I take everything I'm told with a sack of salt.
In our local bowls club we had the death of a member reported and after we had shed our tears, Martha turned up alive and well, ready to play a game!
So tiring...........but a good joke is different!
Well done

))) Sure enough. But it's fun to contemplate. Sort of a like watching a spooky movie.

I remember what was happening in 2012 when people were afraid that Mayan prediction about the end of the World will come through.

Incidentally, back a thousand years ago in 999 AC people also expected the end of the World. So many people were afraid of seeing the angel of death that many committed suicides and as we know now all for nothing. )))