So's about the person, not the religion they claim. A god shouldn't have to tell you what is right and what is wrong. Nor should you be able to hide behind one when you do wrong things. 'Because god....I did X' doesn't, shouldn't work, in this modern world.
As for the coming out and gay players...slowly but surely it will happen! :) It takes society a long time to get comfortable with things, even though they've always been a part of our culture in one way or another.
Thanks for posting these! Gotta keep the streak going! hehe
Thank you for your words. I'm glad that I was able to produce something thought provoking. Maybe tonight I will write a silly story. You never know with freewrite. :-)
Ain't that the truth, lol. You never know. Saw the prompt for today, SPA...and my mind started jumping up and down. Not sure why...but it did. Will the timer be my friend or my enemy today?