Reading is one of the best pleasures that can exist in the world, is something fascinating, only those who have this habit, so to speak, will understand me. I am of the thought that the reading through its different genres, allows you to experience an endless number of sensations, to discover new things in each story or theme, for that reason whenever someone asks me what you recommend me to read, I answer them, read about what interests you the most and calls your attention, so you will really enjoy it, then by yourself you will expand that taste for reading, and for those who think it's boring, I tell them that reading apart from enriching our knowledge, allows us to expand our mind, even makes us fantasize as we go through the pages of a book, I would need more than 5 minutes to say everything, so don't think about it more take the book that draws your attention, because to start a new adventure is never too late.
It truly is never too late!!
I love this! Being able to expand our minds and travel through a story is one of my favorite things in life! So happy that you share the same feeling!
Weekend Freewrite 5/12/18 - Single Prompt Option
Weekend Freewrite 5/12/18 - Part 1 - The First Sentence