Octavia Bakas: Coming to America Ch.2

in #freewrite10 months ago (edited)
Authored by @MoonChild


Full Throttle wrestler and former Olympic champion Octavia Bakas sat at the Acceleration press conference table with a scowled look, wincing as she adjusted the giant ice pack on her right knee. Next to Octavia sat her short, hairy, fat uncle Niko, who looked a little like Danny Devito but with a larger nose and a big hairy mustache. Niko Bakas was in the process of smoking a Marlboro red and massaging his temple with his free hand, exhibiting signs of stress and disgruntelness, much like his niece next to him. In front of Niko was a glass ashtray with four or five smoldering Marlboros smashed into it that had just been inhaled by the extremely short Greek.

Behind Octavia and her uncle was the Full Throttle Wrestling Acceleration logo and additional logos of company sponsors and partners. The room was filled with press from both the United States and Greece, and it was clear the room was buzzing over what had transpired during Octavia's first match against "Classy" Christopher Charles. Suddenly, without warning, Niko Bakas began to shout into his microphone, catching the attention of all the reporters and press in attendance in the hall and silencing their discussions.

Niko Bakas: What kind of operation is Arnie Meyers running here? He invites my niece to come to America and offers her a contract to become a professional wrestler in his federation! Tells our family she's going to be able to prove her ability in the ring just as she did during the Olympic games! He told us Full Throttle Wrestling was a company of integrity that believed in fair competition and was a place where hard work and dedication paid off! That Full Throttle signs only the best wrestlers the world has to offer! BAH!

Octavia slammed her fist hard on the table, shocking most of the people up front nearest the table. Niko immediately attempted to restrain Octavia's anger and calm her down.

Octavia: ALL LIES!

Niko Bakas: Calm yourself, Octavia! I will handle these Malakes. My niece has her first match with this so-called "Classy" Christopher Charles. As soon as the match starts, it's one underhanded trick after the other. It was clear from the get-go he'd never been in the ring with a woman like Octavia! He knew he was outclassed! That little narcissistic Malaka didn't know how to react!

Octavia: If it weren't for his stupid manager pushing me off the top rope, I'd have my first victory! He came out of nowhere! I could've broken my leg!

Niko Bakas: Octavia, please! This is why father sent me along with you!

Reporter: Mr. Bakas, you've used the word "Malaka" multiple times during this press conference to describe Classy Christopher Charles. Could you clarify the meaning of the word for us non-Greek-speaking reporters?

The Greek press laughed out loud after hearing the reporter's question. Niko sat back in his chair and took a big drag from a cigarette. A sinister smile came over the little Greek man's face as he would gain the opportunity to educate the American public on Greek culture.

Niko Bakas: We have the word "Malakas" in the Greek language; you hear it a lot when two Greeks are talking. Malaka means "the great champion masturbater," the number one masturbater. Nobody can beat him! He has masturbated in first place his whole life! He sits around and does nothing but masturbate. He masturbates to himself, and he talks and talks, and he masturbates. He is the Champion; the Michael Jordan of Masturbation is Malaka, which is exactly what Classy Christopher Charles is. A fucking Malaka!

Octavia: Uncle, please! Can we talk about the match? The American people want to hear about something other than the definition of Malaka!

Niko Bakas: Bah! They need to learn! The last thing I will say before letting my niece take over is that I will accompany her down to the ring for her protection from now on! Who knows how many "Mental Marty's" are on this roster? For all I know, every wrestler on this roster has a retarded cousin as their manager, ready to help them out when they are losing!

Regaining her composure, Octavia leaned forward, her gaze fixed on the sea of reporters. Despite the throbbing pain in her knee, her voice was firm and resolute.

Octavia: "Before we talk about what lies ahead, let's address the elephant in the room - my debut match against Classy Christopher Charles. It wasn't just a match; it was a lesson. A lesson in the reality of this industry, a lesson in resilience."

She leaned forward, her voice tinged with both frustration and determination.

Octavia: What happened in that ring was more than a contest of physical ability. It was a test of character. I entered the ring with honor and trained in the spirit of fair competition as I competed in the Olympics. Last night, I encountered a world where not everyone plays by the rules.

Niko interjected, his tone laced with indignation.

Niko Bakas: That match was a farce! They called him 'Classy,' but I saw nothing but deception and skatá!

Octavia nodded, her gaze stern.

Octavia: Yes, Uncle Niko, there was deception. But it taught me something crucial - the importance of being prepared for anything and everything in that ring. When Mental Marty interfered, pushing me off the top rope, that wasn't just a physical setback. It was a wake-up call. In Full Throttle Wrestling, you must have eyes in the back of your head. You must be ready for the unexpected.

She shifted in her seat, her resolve evident.

Octavia: That loss, as bitter as it was, has fueled my fire. I've taken that experience, every moment of it, and used it to sharpen my focus to enhance my training. I won't be caught off guard again. That match was a hard lesson that I have learned from.

She paused, her eyes reflecting the weight of history.

Octavia: My match with Capello isn't just a physical contest; it's a clash of ancient legacies. Athens versus Sparta. Wisdom and strategy against brute strength and aggression. I, the Athenian Eagle, embody the spirit of my city-state – known for its intellect, democracy, and innovation. And Capello, with her Spartan heritage, embodies military might and discipline.

Niko leaned forward, pride evident in his voice.

Niko Bakas: This match is a modern reflection of that age-old rivalry. Octavia brings the cunning of Athens to the ring, while Capello brings the ferocity of Sparta.

Octavia stood up, her voice rising with conviction.

Octavia: In this match, I will harness Athena's wisdom and Hercules's courage. I've learned from my defeat. I've adapted my training, focusing on my mental acumen as much as my physical prowess. Capello might be formidable, but so am I. I will use her aggression against her, turning her strength into vulnerability.

She continued her tone, a mix of respect and challenge.

Octavia: Capello, I respect your skills but am not daunted. I am the Athenian Avenger, ready to prove that strategy and intellect can triumph over raw power. This match will be a testament to our respective legacies, a battle where strategy meets strength, where the legacy of Athens clashes with the might of Sparta.

Niko Bakas nodded, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.

Niko Bakas: Octavia is not just fighting for herself. She's fighting for the honor of our ancestors, for every young dreamer who believes in hard work and integrity.

Octavia raised her fist, symbolizing her unbreakable spirit.

Octavia: I am ready for you, Capello. Ready to show that the Athenian Eagle can outmaneuver the Spartan warrior. This is more than just a match; it's a continuation of a story centuries in the making. And in that ring, we'll see whose legacy stands the test of time.

As Octavia and Niko left the stage, the room buzzed with anticipation. The upcoming match was not just a wrestling bout but a historic encounter, a symbolic battle echoing the rivalry of two great ancient civilizations.