Image Source: https://www.infobarrel.com
Sophie had recently started a yoga class. She was getting more and more confident with her group and with the moves. They had a good cohesion and everyone worked well to achieve good results.
That Wednesday morning a new lady turned up and she was instantly supportive to help her - hadn't seen her there before.
"How can I help you with your yoga?"
"Oh - just been getting a bit of back pain. I have done a bit of yoga in the past and thought I would get back into joining a group again."
"There's heaps of ways I'm sure I can help and support you. Just let me know if you have any questions."
Sophie saw the look on her face as a smile dawned - "Don't worry - I'll do it!"
She picked a little spot towards the back to set up. This made sense - blend in with the crowd and Sophie didn't bring any attention to her but just got started.
After awhile - she noticed that the new lady didn't need any help at all. In fact, she was obviously experienced with yoga and hyperflexible. She was more appropriate for an advance class. While she had turned up to a mid morning happy group was a big question. At the end the lady thanked her and left.
One of the other ladies went up and asked her "Weren't you totally nervous? To have her there in your class?"
She is mega famous for her yoga! Don't you know her? I'll lend you her book and then you might change your mind. She's normally based in New York. Don't know what she's doing here!!"
Sophie started freaking out. She realized she was running through the beginner tips with one of the most famous older yoga instructors in the world.
She was going to apologize for what she did and check on the back pain - but never saw this lady again. Developing your inner peace when something like that happens is not so easy...
Yikes! Despite the fact that the woman didn't return, maybe it's a good thing that Sophie didn't know that she was a seasoned yoga practitioner and author! She may have been too nervous to properly teach the class.
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