Image Source: http://www.mentalfloss.com
Looking into the spare room, and all I see is paper. Not just books, not just folders.
There are bills, receipts, notes from past courses and all sorts of paraphernalia that mark of notches on the bedpost of my life going by.
It seems like such a waste. All of these trees have given their lives, just so I could be reminded to pay stupid utility bills 10 or 15 years ago: before technology worked out how to get my money. Postgraduate courses had not realized that as soon as we read a research study it is almost immediately obsolete and not worth saving. Better to do a current literature search and read online. Save the paper and save the trees.
The spare room is full of paper, as are the other rooms - I have become a paper hoarder over the years.
As I realize that this is the case - what shall I do with it all?
How about a paper party. It can be recycled, but before that, lets make paper airplanes. Lots and lots of airplanes. Fly them off the balcony and see what people think!! Decorate them.
Maybe make intricate paper decorations and sell them. Give the money back to conservation of trees?
All of that sounds like fun. Maybe when I retire, or a project with my son when he's older.
One thing I will do - I will stop printing up every stupid article on paper or getting every stupid bill sent on paper!!
For sure!! No more paper into the house!!! I try. But plenty still sneaks in...
Love the idea of paper airplanes - let them fly...
Still am hoping that you will post your selfie @freewritehouse
It’s amazing the amount of paper we still manage to collect even though with the advent of computers we were promised a paperless future.
It’s your promptest of prompt delivery personnel here with your challenge for today: https://steemit.com/freewrite/@mariannewest/day-209-5-minute-freewrite-wednesday-prompt-milk