Dear steemian friends,
Keindahan tawon; halo sahabat steemit semuanya hari ini saya ketemu dengan beberapa tawon yang sangat indah sekali, hari ini saya pergi ke kebun yang ada di belakang rumah saya sendiri ketika saya hendak memasuki kedalam kebut saya melihan ada se ekor towon yang sangat indah, lalu saya langsung mengabadikan tawon tersebut. Dan saya langsung bagikan penemuan saya ke semua teman steemit.
*** The beauty of the wasps *** * hello friend steemit all today I met with some very beautiful wasps, today I go to the garden that is behind my own house when I want to enter into my rhythmic kihan there a tail towon is very beautiful, then I immediately perpetuate the wasps. And I immediately share my findings with all my steemit friends. *
Banyak orang menyangka tawon dan lebah sama, bahkan keduanya dianggap menghasilkan madu. Padahal, tidak. Walau bentuk dan perilakunya terlihat mirip, padahal tawon tidak memiliki madu dan tawon bisa menyengat mangsa berkali kali sedangkan lebah hanya bisa menyengat mangsa satu kali lalu lebah pun mati.
*** Many people think wasps and bees alike, even both are considered to produce honey. But it is not. Although the shape and behavior look similar, when the wasps do not have honey and the wasps can sting the prey many times while the bees can only sting the prey once and then the bees die. ***
this is my only post on this night thanks to have visited my blog @nazarj so far.
my gratitude to all steemian friends #steemit and to smart and good people like @lightsplasher @artzone @simonjay @hr1 @melip @wafrica @good-karma