Yes I understand it too. I found it odd that my eye went to that card, which as I told you I have never gotten before, but I couldn't even look at the other two, I was drawn right back to the three of swords. Very powerful week! You were one of the earliest supporters of this post, first reblog. I thought it would be a purge, but no, no such thing going on. Now I'm awash in all the sorrow in the comments.
As a friend of mine said recently, don't carry the pain, carry the hope.
It was meant to be there for you, apparently. And I was very honored to support this - while I'm sorry it led to even more sorrow via the comments, I'm glad so many people found it resonated for them, and hopefully the sadness will lead to even more healing for you, your family, and everyone touched by your words.
Your friend sounds very wise, and I can't help but think that phrase would make an amazing tattoo.
Bright blessings to you, dear lady. 💜
Pimp Your Post Thursday), and figured I'd give you a heads up.Also, you may have a few more folks coming over to comment - I shouted out about this post on this morning's #PYPT (
Why thank you! That explains it!
You're very welcome! 😊 🤗