Hey Marg.
Although she saw him, knew to adore him,
She gave him no time, nor inkling or sign,
Though different the game, life's plane pains plain same.
A rose is a rose regardless of the prose,
Remind me of:
All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts,
As usual, nice job.
Your not going softy on me are you?
No explication?
This is the sort of post you would challenge inconsistent syllabic meter, poor rhythm, and lazy grammar / punctuation... General sloppy word play...
Perhaps it is too lazy a post to warrant extensive feedback. Hmm, that's your ploy?... You always bait me somehow. This is a new tact, no apparent tact is the tact... Is it??