When there is no one around

in #freewrite6 years ago

I have always been surrounded by people and I don't even get few minutes of peace even in the wash room. There is always one, out of my two, kids who wants to see what I am doing inside. I have always felt the need for some me time. Not for days, but few hours wherein there is no one around and I get to be all by myself.
Image source : http://bit.ly/2pIBLtx

My mother today decided to make my dream come true and took away both my kids. My husband has not yet come back from office and I am done with all basic chores that's on me. I have also finished watching my daily quota of YouTube videos. Basically I am all alone with nothing to do just like I always wanted. Am I happy ? No, not a bit.

I am absolutely not liking the peace at home. I am so used to those constant shoutings that the house now seems like a grave yard to me. I called my kids around 3 times in the past one hour and they seem to be enjoying without me with their grandparents. I tried begging my father to drop them back and he seems to be soaking in the grandchild grandfather feeling.

I never thought this would be this serious when my mother told me about her feelings when my brother left home for his job. She cried for days. It was tough for her. My brother was not even quarter the trouble that my kids are. I wonder what would I do when I get to face that situation.

Being alone is one of the toughest punishments. May be that's why they put hardened criminals in solitary confinements.


I could be alone for many hours at a time. Since I grew up in a large family, I adapted to always be accustomed to the buzz of sounds and people around me. Always having something to keep me busy while other sounds are alive in the house, that is key to occupy the mind. It's too bad the chores you finished right away. If only you had a few rainy day projects you could pull out to work on. Calling people you miss, or arranging to meet them for a rare one-on-one is a good idea too if you are very socially inclined.

👍 thanks @creativetruth for stopping by and giving my post a read. I hope you enjoyed ur time. Keep following :)

Hey, @samysamy.

I think it's different for fathers than for mothers. In my case, I'd love the silence and the ability to just think and rest and do whatever. My wife, though, thinks things are too empty and lonely like you said.

Fortunately, for her, and, surprisingly, for me, we have my youngest son, his wife and their first child with us, so there's always something going on. I manage to spend most of the time in my home office, so I can stay away from the hubbub or I can come right into the middle of it. The granddaughter is just too much fun not to be around for too long.

I think that as your children grow and go through their different phases to adulthood, you will see things a little differently. That might seem like a lifetime away, but it does go rather quickly, especially if you don't take some time alone and maybe slow life down a little. Do whatever you can to enjoy all of the moments, together, and the fleeting times alone.