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RE: Baking a Cake?

in #freewrite7 years ago (edited)

No worries. A little icing never hurt, and kids, of all ages love it. If chocolate cake a drop or two of peppermint flavour, and if a sponge with currants perhaps a drop of orange or lemon to the icing for difference.
--The marzipan (march-pane) is an almond paste used on Christmas and Wedding cakes mostly. It is really nice, but Really rich too. It is usually rolled out and cut to wrap around outside first, and then a cap is rolled out and cut to fit the top. This encases the cake, usually a heavy fruit affair, and the marzipan is then decorated with coloured rosettes and curlicues, writing or symbols as per the celebrations. But for your occasional, the basic cake mix, with occasionally a handful of sultanas in a butter cake or vanilla cake, and maybe a handful of currants.
--To play, 1 cup of SRF(wholemeal); 1 cup wheatgerm (Raw, as in, Unprocessed), 1 cup of desicated coconut, small half cup of raw sugar, 2/3rd cup of sultanas (or mix of diced apricot and diced dates); 1 cup of tea (coffee, chocolate, milo, as liked). Mix the flour and wheatgerm and sugar, then the coconut and fruit, then the tea. This size will cook at 180C for between 16 and 20 mins (depending on oven, and how dry you like it). It will be perhaps 1 and qtr inches in a seven to eight inch circle tin. If wheatgerm is got unprocessed from the mill, this will gradually go hard (stale, without the coconut going soapy) and five can be made at once and, taken on a long journey replace greasy-spoon stops on highway, and only need a drink taken halfhr before or after to be very sustaining. {hippie, 'Elfen' waybread}. Note; nil egg or butter, or milk. 😇