Wild West - Chapter 2 - Part 1 - 5 minute freewrite challenge

in #freewrite7 years ago (edited)

Courtesy of Pixabay

Chapter 1

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30

Chapter 2

Part 1

It was still pitch black outside when the ground began to shake and woke James up. He knew exactly what was going on – Ducköden has arrived.

He reached for the box of matches on the table and struck one to get some light going in the room. Spotting a candle on the kitchen counter, he walked over, lighted it up, then set off to wake up Tom in case he was still asleep. He was halfway to the door to the bedroom when Tom opened them and asked; “Ducköden?”

“Yeah. He’s waiting for us outside.”

“Let’s go then,” said Tom, mid-step to the front door.

“Slept well?” Ducköden asked before James fully made it out the door. He didn’t wait for an answer, and continued; “I gather you’ve figured what your last mission is, and also that you’ve come up with quite a plan for the two of you. The kid, the wives, homesteading in the middle of nowhere, you’ve thought of everything. After everything I’ve done for you, you value our friendship so little? You’re ready to backstab me because you’re assuming I’d backstab you?” He paused for a second, but seeing as neither answered, he continued. “Did I ever backstab you? James?” He looked over at James, “I was always there for you when you needed someone. And that’s how you repay me? By plotting to betray me? I was your best friend for fuck’s sake! Let me ask you two something. Why would I want to kill you two after you’ve done your part of the job? You’re no threat to me, so, why?”

Link to part 2

The prompt was the following picture:

Image courtesy of @the.artist-98

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Five minute freewrite challenges I have fulfilled:

Fire, Toilet, Flash, Soft feet, Pillow, Grounding, Surprise, Ending the pain, Going for a walk, Car Mechanic, Murderer, Dog hair, Ducks, Untested medicine, Forbidden love, Vacation, Awakening, Dentist, Wild west.

Gif by @rocking-dave

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Oh, I see we're on Chapter 2 now. :D

Yepp! :D
The adventure has only just begun! ;)

Nicely done!

I'm hopping from Freewriter to Freewriter dropping the prompt for the day!

Day 113: 5 Minute Freewrite: Friday - Prompt: ski