I have debated getting my nose looked at too, have serious issues with proper breathing due of times it's been broken between sports, fights, and a good kick to the face from my oldest while I was tossing her in the air when she was little. Oh that one was bad and I still had to catch her on the way down. In a couple months when you are all healed I'm curios as to if you felt it was a worth it.
Now as for HF20, it really was a painful experience for those of us without a ton of SP. It was even more painful watching the haves be able to post and self vote at 100% gobbling up massive rewards as they were the only ones posting. This left a very bad rift in the have vs have not's. This will heal over time, but have a little understanding that this door was opened due to way the fork was pushed forward without proper testing and then the resulting lock out of the smaller members while the larger ones took advantage of making extra profits.
Personally I was upset like most as I put a ton of effort into steemit on a daily basis to attempt to help smaller members grow. To have everything I was doing come to a dead stop and then have StINC come out and say it was a success was a massive slap in the face...then multiple witness followed up saying it was a success. Success doesn't involve shutting out 98% of the users for days, very poor wording. Their last post shows that maybe a PR person was hired to word things better then the previous writer...might be wrong on that, but doubt it. At the very least the change in tone/attitude tells me they know there was an error in wording and didn't foresee the perception issue with calling that a success until it was to late and hopefully learned from it.
Learning, this is key. We all make mistakes in life and as long as we learn from these mistakes at least something can be gained. It's my opinion at this point that steemit inc and the top 20 witnesses realize the error in their ways with the HF and going forward we will not see so much largely untested or undertested code go live. We just saw the results of why changes to the process need to be made and feel that they will be made.
Honestly glad this happened at this point. If this HF went without a hitch and luck happened to prevail nobody would have realized the flaw in the process. Then later with even more users at some point luck wouldn't have prevailed and untested code pushed forward would have had a larger impact. At least now there is only a small fairly loyal group of people on steemit, but later if we have say 5 or 10 million real active users could you imagine the effects of a "success" like this one...it would be disastrous IMO.
So now we move forward and recognize that there are maybe a few people who need to be shunned for their actions after the fact. Those who are now pimping/shilling other steemit wannabe sites and then those who decided that taking advantage of the lock out time to self vote 10+ times a day at 100% power to make sure to claim their massive share of the reward pool for the down days when nobody else was able to function.
There are a few people who's actions really showed their true colors. If you want to know a person's integrity just watch how they handle things while under pressure. This is always when their true colors will come out.