By golly, that must’ve been a nightmare for the modern age to not have electricity. Got to say sorry from my side of the World since my country, los EEUU, is boasting practically everyday how we are cap-sizing your country, how we got troops surrounding your borders ready to infiltrate (especially since SOUTHCOM, a military command of los EEUU y paises de Sudamérica, is there being very active), how we slap sanctions on your country which hinders economic growth (though we say it punishes the big bad leader) and even go so far as to say we will invade and install a Libya model! Don’t know about you, but Libya is not that great last time I checked. Anywho, if Maduro doesn’t act seriously to get the country moving, well someone will and it’ll probably be the many factions in the PSUV that will have his head for his incompetence. Or so I am told by some of my acquaintances. All I can say is hold out until the USA stops killing your country in every way my country so feels to do so...
Freewrite #504: since I like to do forma y filosofía in separate parts, I shall combine them here for all of them. La filosofía here seems very interesting, like a return to individualist (perhaps not) tales of magicry and the wonders of fantasy. Seems nice we get a boy who has yet to go through the motions, though I would say the same for a girl and all those that fit in between the two and beyond such. After all, it’s fantasy! (So of course no need to go after justifying them like we so easily accept the boy and his jitteries without a problem.) The form is much like in the case of a novella, and that’s a good thing concerning some novels of fantasy (and I have read them, most I was not surprised with how crap they were).
Freewrite #505: Now this is an interesting case, filosóficamente, that this is a contemporary story that has feminist-sympathies and some class-based+economic groundings. Can’t expect Marx+Engels nor Simone de Beauvoir (not like they wrote literature, though the way they communicated was always lovely) in such a limit of words, but I did like the mystery aspect that lies underneath. Especially hinted at with the italic-text, done well there.
Freewrite #506: This feels very much a, what I call, general-esque Eastern-style of worldview. Note I didn’t said filosofía nor actuality, and I used the word “a” here not “the” there. More for the reasons as it does borrow from Daoism/Taoism and Buddhism the idea of selflessness and the material world being only a mere collection of energy that Dialectically changes over time (aka no metaphysicality with objects). Yet it’s very much placed in the Western “Canon” of fictional creatures and it’s interesting seeing that interplay and dialogue between the two (in the background of course) is very interesting.
Freewrite #507: ah, finally, the one I wondered would come. It very much is a reflection of countries prolonged in civil wars in the modern era. For back then, though massive similarities, people barely could flee and everything people did was always in critical support of one side over another. Yet there’s a second splinter-off; while the past revolutions were centered in countries that could exist and actually transform themselves (being very behind, on purpose down by the Imperialist powers, yet realizing the need for actual authority to exorcise the demons out), this focuses in on the neo-colonial nations and how often it is to diversify economically even if we forget the revolutions was happening. The third splinter off from texts in those days and the ones nowadays is the very implication of mercenaries even being in the country to begin with! It certainly is a chilling story, to remind what revolutionaries of past knew what revolutions were: not a dinner table but a bloodied and horrifying event that is the epitome of class conflict between the working and ruling classes.
Freewrite #508: Ah, the symbolic dreams that do have weight in the person’s galaxy. Especially since real-life dreams do tell stories in what we unconsciously are aware off. So much I know isn’t directly referencing this, but modern stories with dreams have all been impacted by Freudian and Lacanian psychoanalysis that I must mention it here. Also the form is quite nice for a short story or a novella.
Freewrite #509: Ah! Poundcake, instantly love this story. Also, nice touch on the goblin coming along; like it when stories are inclusive of all types of people. But truly the simple æsthetic joy of the poundcake really was catching my eye and possibly how the narrator nearly wanted to sneer at the kid’s obsession over poundcakes. Just pure those two, especially the italic text being some wholesome~
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Venezuela's situation is a very complex and complicated one, but without wanting to enter into political discussions (God know's I have enough in just my own neighborhood), I'll clarify a couple of points in regards to you comments on our situation, from the P.O.V. of an analitical journalist who has been trough all these things and has always tried to find an explanation beyond what his own opinions may lay on the matter:
1.-This isn't the United States fault, nor they have made it any worst; I can't say much about other countries since I don't know their inner workings and what happens behind their curtains, but here?, We've been screwed since a long time ago without any external help for that...
2.-The Sanctions that the US government imposses are directed towards our own government, not against the people, the problem?, when you have a corrupt government that tries to make each and every bussiness and company their own property, well, our economy bleeds because or socialist government makes us dependant on them instead of our own efforts...
3.-It is a mistake to think that Maduro or anyone of his accolites will ever act seriously, why?, it is not in their interest for the country to get better in any way, that is something that the last 20 years of socialist/chavista/madurista ideologies have shown, there are many dirty hands in here, and the speech about the good of people and its subsequent publicity are just mask for resentful and soul-dirty persons to keep themselves in positions of power...
4.-You have mentioned a lot of literary and philosophical works, so I'll do some of that: In Herman Hesse's work "Demian" it is said something along this lines: "for a bird to be born, it has to break its shell, the world it currently knows", not the exact words since it has been a couple of years since I read that, but it serves to illustrate my point: a pacific solution is always prefered, but too idealistic to think it will always happen; the many factions (not just from venezuela) interested in Maduro's or his people staying in power won't quetly accept defeat, and the violent people from here will fight back with firearms even the most pacific initiatives... so, as much as it pains me to say so: in a military/armed intervention is needed to get rid of each and every speck of chavist/madurista regime, then so be it, more than enough people have died in these last 20 years...
Now, on a lighter note: this is the kind of review I've been wanting since I started Steemit!, not that any of my works have been complex enough to need this kinds of references, but it is always nice to see someone pulling names like that and applying them to what I write. I truly apreciate the effort and time to write a small review for each of this works, you were pretty much on point with many of them, and when not, you gave me really good ideas for the story threads to keep going on.
Glad you clarified all those points. I've been posting about different issues in the last months, but it's not been easy to set the record straight.
As for your writing, I must congratulate you once for for your skills and acute sense of dramatic effect and the element of surprise. I'm glad you got a curie votefor this effort, which under the apagón, i lived it too, was quite an achievement.
As I tell those interested, there is so much we can offer this platform,but it is so fucking difficult to focus with so much crap going on around us.
You have the gift of storytelling and I hope some day soon you can shape and devellop all these drafts into a wonderful collection of tales.