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RE: When Breaks Morning - Poetry Weekend Freewrite 04/14/18 Single Prompt Option

in #freewrite7 years ago (edited)

Beautiful poetry. I enjoy the lines that end so unexpectedly or those which introduce an antithesis. i am left questioning if aloneness is perhaps better than togetherness - yours is almost an ode to that space where lover is brought into spiritual union with the beloved.

Advice: get a short leash for that accuser, give it some food and water once a day, love it by teaching it to sit and stay on your command. Stay bright! ^^


I'm glad you could appreciate the message. It's a bit different than the usual fare, yet it spoke of it's own accord, it seemed.

I love your advice and have duly noted with a broad smile. Following you, my friend.

Quality poetry begets quality thoughts. Hope your trip went well and have a pleasant week ahead.

Thank you, my friend. I wish you the same. ;)