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RE: Day 480: 5 Minute Freewrite: Tuesday - Prompt: pineapple

in #freewrite6 years ago

I liked this pineapple story, I was provoking to my curiosity, seemed silly but at the same time made you ponder on the circumstances of the pineapples themselves. I did feel a little guilty of the lonely pineapple but at the same time, the third pineapple seemed more young, confused and need of affection too. I feel bad that the lonely pineapple couldn't recognize that the third pineapple wanted to same and maybe more which they could of helped each other.
The second pineapple reminded me of a sorta annoyed mother like figure.
Now after typing this out, I sorta see the pineapples as a mother, father and child idea.
The father didn't want to be left alone, the mother pineapple was annoyed with her kid and the kid wanted the affection of the mother pineapple while the father could have provided such.
Very interesting...


Hey @v3n0mmang.

Lately when I write something creative, I have this thing for seriousness and absurdity, and sometimes, it's hard to know which is which and where any of it is going. This pineapple story is definitely one of them. You have the obvious silliness of pineapples feeling anything, wondering anything, being suddenly attracted, having a child, etc., and then you have somewhat of a morality play leaking out, if you can get past the melodrama. It appears you did. :)

Welcome to the freewriters!! It is often interesting what comes flowing out of us in a freewrite.