Snoring is annoying. My little son does since he can hardly breathe since years.
Most pregnant women do so too.
You are the first saying its cute.
Posted using Partiko Android
Snoring is annoying. My little son does since he can hardly breathe since years.
Most pregnant women do so too.
You are the first saying its cute.
Posted using Partiko Android
LLOLOL i'm not saying it was cute ;)
the character in the story was so in love with her husband at the time that she thought everything he did was cute.
then later - when their relationship started to turn for the worse - she thought it was annoying and it aggravated her.
finally - when he passed away after 3 months in the hospital and she was alone in the house - she realized that now she would never hear any of his sounds anymore. even the snoring - and she thought... it would be nice to have him back -just once - even if i had to hear his snoring. at least he would be alive and she wouldnt be alone
it's just a story :) not real. i made it up for the exercise :)